Saturday 7 August 2010


I understand that I need to move around.
I'm going to try to move through the pain.
I'll let you know how that works out.

Let me go back about 35 years. I have joined every single health club that opened up in town. Now, ask me about those memberships. Did I go and work out every day? I'll let you guess. I didn't like to work out when I felt good, let alone now.

The ONLY reason I'm doing this is because I feel that if I don't do something, I'm going to wind up as an invalid. I have succumbed to the pain and it feels good to curl up in bed and wait until the pain subsides to a manageable level. When I wake up I experience the morning stiffness that is part of Fibromyalgia. When I stretch enough to be able to move I want to cry when my feet first hit the floor because they hurt so much. It seems that the pain settles in my hands and feet.  I'm forever rubbing my hands.

So now I've decided to try some sort of exercise. I'm going to go to some water aerobics. First of all I can't run on pavement anymore. My body can't take that sort of impact. So, I figure exercising in the water can be a viable way to get some much needed movement in my body. I have some equipment in my house but I just don't have the motivation to use it. I use the treadmill for about 2 minutes. I thought that if I did it while I watched television the time might pass quickly. No such luck. 

I can't believe it.
I joined another club.

Well, I'll see what happens.
Boy, if this isn't deja vu.

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