Tuesday 24 August 2010


One day a warrior.
The next day a wimp.
The next day somewhere in-between.
Who am I?

I spent today sleeping. I can't believe I knuckled under to the fatigue and pain and I'm still irritated with myself.  I pulled myself out of bed enough to have dinner and now I'm back in bed. It's time for another pain pill and muscle relaxer. My legs are jumping and my body is hurting. Hurting big time.

Boy, this makes for a fun life.

I'm still going to the gym in the morning but by the time I'm done I'm wiped out. I need to take pain medication before I even attempt to make the walk. I keep doing this because I know eventually it will help me.

So now what?

I'm going back to the doctor on the 31st to see what I can do for the breakthrough pain. It's not just the issue of the Fibromyalgia, although that is the issue that wreaks the most havoc on my body. I've still got the back issue to deal with and that causes the pain to shoot down my legs. There still is nerve damage in my lower legs and that isn't fun either. I've got to find something that will help me with the pain. I'm not going to be as stubborn about taking the medication. I'm taking the Zanaflex at night because that does help the muscle spasms. I really fought against taking this with the pain medication but no more. I found that it does help me sleep a little bit more. I still wake up 3 or 4 times a night but it does feel like I get a little more sleep.

It was my birthday yesterday and I didn't even have cake because I've cut out sugar. How boring, huh? It was very low key and I spent the day reflecting on  the last couple of years. The only thing it served to do is depress me even further so my daughter and I went to Pier One for a half hour and then I came home and slept. Gee, you think I could manage more than a half hour out in the world! It seems when I go out I have to come back in and rest. YUCK.

It's been a weird summer for everyone, it seems. Flares galore, pain galore and fatigue galore. Is there something in the air?

If it was in the air, I caught it.

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