Sunday 8 August 2010


In the battle between you and pain.
Bet on the pain.

Today the humidity has been over 54%. Right now, it's at 28%. I don't do well with that level of moisture in the air. It feels like every bone in my body aches. 

And aches real bad.

It was so nice outdoors too. It was cool, wonderful and a day that we hadn't had in quite some time. I used to love days like this and now it hurts me to love them. I want to pull the covers over my head and give in.

I will probably do that tonight. 

I've tried baths to no avail. I've tried the medication and I will probably take more right before I try to go to sleep. Maybe it will knock me out so I don't wake up every five minutes. This is what I dread about the monsoon season. It just makes me want to cry. I'm hoping I can move in time for the water class in the morning. If it's as bad as it is tonight, I'm not going.

To top it off there was just a commercial for Lyrica on television. She looked so happy and smiling talking about the chance the it could cause suicidal thoughts. She even looked happy talking about debilitating pain. I would just love to see a real commercial showing how we look when our body is trying to fight off the pain.

So for tonight, in the war of me and pain, I'm letting pain win.
I'm too tired and I hurt to bad to fight it.

**just as an FYI, I want to throw things at the TV when those commercials come on. In fact, they really piss me off.

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