Tuesday 10 August 2010


I actually went to the gym today.
Gee, sitting upright today??
Call me wacky!

I set the alarm and when it went off I considered throwing it across the room.  I got up at 8:30, which in itself is a miracle, and put my feet on the floor. That was not good. I cursed and hobbled to the bathroom and took a look at myself in the mirror. 

I went to the gym.

I finally got there about 10:30. The water class was over so I decided I'd walk around the inside track. I did about six laps and, trust me, it wasn't a power walk. I kept telling myself that I needed the  movement. I do need it. Badly.

If today was any indication of how out of shape I am then I need to continue to do this. It hurt. It really hurt but I figure I can get through it. It may take pain medication to do it but I need to do something. I just wish I could have made it in time for the water class. That's the only way I'll be able to do some resistance exercises.

So I plugged in my ipod and continued to walk.
Tomorrow I'll try to do one more lap.
It still hurts to move.

Back to baby steps.

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