Friday 28 May 2010


I guess I should be thankful.
I got a couple of days where I felt almost
Oh joy.

Well, lookie here. It's 4 in the morning and I've gotten maybe 2 hours of sleep. Great. Now I'm up and I hurt. I've taken melatonin and medication and zip-a-dee-doo-dah. I actually fell asleep before I could post what I'd written earlier. So I guess I'll post it now.

The old familiar ache in my hands started and I wasn't even conscious that I had started rubbing them. I finally snapped to it and wondered why it was happening. 

First of all, I checked the humidity and it had gone from about 10% to 35%. Yep, that will do it right there. Add to the humidity factor the other stresses going on right now and here we go! 

I am so sick of this pain. I think I'm going to try Corvalen-M by Bioenergy. Dr. Teitlebaum talks about it in his book and, well, it's worth a try. It's a mixture of D-ribose and magnesium. It is supposed to reduce the pain and increase the energy levels. The only thing I can say to that is that I know it will increase my energy otherwise I'd be comatose. In other words, there's nowhere to go but up.

The constant pain is getting to me.

I'm tired of getting on the roller coaster and then praying to get off. I'm tired of being tired and I'm really tired of the pain. I get tired of saying how bad I feel when someone asks "how are you?" Right now I'm in a really pissy mood because the pain is building again and I just want to curl up around my body pillow and pray for sleep and I know that it won't happen.  I think I'll take the medication and a melatonin and see what happens. 

Maybe if I catch a couple of hours of sleep I'll feel differently. I feel like a wimp. A big, fat wimp.

And really pissed off. It should be a dandy of a day.

I guess it's time to put on a movie..............(huge sigh...............)

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