Wednesday 12 May 2010


I feel like roadkill.
Tired of being tired.

I went out today and drove across town to get information about the support groups for Fibromyalgia in Las Vegas. The drive bothered me more than I thought it would. Between the  Fibro and the appendix it kind of knocked me out. The group had a table at a supermarket in Henderson. I parked the car and walked in and looked around. I finally found the table at the other end of the supermarket. If I hadn't known it would be there I would have missed it.  Honestly, I thought there would be more fanfare. I'm used to doing things on a grand scale. I'd be pulling people in talking about this disease. I liked their location and hopefully a lot of people stopped and asked for information. I'll be going tomorrow to the luncheon and meeting all sorts of people that are suffering with this invisible syndrome. I need to get out of my house more, so this will be a good thing.

I'm a little unsure of meeting new people. Weird, because that's all I've done in my career. Being in sales everyone was new. Every meeting was an encounter and I loved getting to know people. I don't know what this has done to me. Is it because I've been so isolated for so long? Maybe that's it. Part of me is afraid I'll need to give something and I have nothing to give right now.  I'll just wing it and go see what is up. Maybe I can offer suggestions........well, maybe I shouldn't do that. I have a way of taking over so I'll be a good girl and keep my mouth shut.

Am I rambling?

My stomach wasn't hurting nearly as bad today. This appendix thing has really knocked my lights out and it was nice not to walk hunched over like a little old lady.

So what did I do?

I decided to change my sheets and do laundry. Then I vacuumed the floor. That was it. Done for the day and I got back in bed. Geez, you'd think I'd run a marathon. What is it going to take for me to have a normal day without feeling totally wiped out? My niece said it will take awhile for the incisions to heal from the operation. Am I rushing it? Okay, but I still can't get through a day without resting every hour. 

So I'm back in bed.

Feeling like roadkill.

Say goodnight Gracie.

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