Wednesday 29 June 2011

The Drug Companies Are Laughing at Us! -- All the Way to the Bank

Reference: Death to Diabetes Website

Many years ago, the United States was a national power that was well-known for manufacturing automobiles, computers, new technologies, and so much more.  But, that has all changed ...

Today, our great country is no longer known for producing automobiles, computers, etc.  Do you have any idea what our country is known for producing today?

This product is advertised on television every 30 seconds, several hundred times a day. More than 250 million Americans consume this product every day.

Americans buy this product even if they don't have the money. -- they rely on insurance to get this product for free or at discount They even encourage their children to buy this product -- they encourage implicitly, not explicitly.

Have you figured out what this popular product is?

It's drugs! -- prescription drugs, as well as OTC drugs.

Ironically, there is a "war on drugs" against cocaine, heroin, crack, and other street drugs. But, the top-selling drugs in America are the prescription and OTC drugs!

Prescription drugs generate bigger profits and revenue than any other singular product in the United States of America. This product is consumed by more than 4 out of every 5 Americans every day!

The nine largest drug companies raked in $50.6 billion in 2001 profits. During the past decade, drug firms’ profits represented an 18.5 percent return on revenue or 5.6 times the median return (3.3 percent) of Fortune 500 companies. As the economy soured further in 2002-2003, many drug companies continued to grow and thrive with record profits. And, despite the severe recession in 2008,  the profits  of these drug companies continued to grow, and has skyrocketed to over $100 billion!

According to IMS Health, pharmaceutical companies will bring in $880 billion in global sales in 2011, representing a growth rate of 5-7%. IMS Health studies show that the U.S. remains the largest market in the world for pharmaceuticals with total sales of $330 billion in 2011.

And, the number of people with heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and arthritis, obesity, and other diseases also skyrocketed, growing more than 47%! 

A 47% increase in disease and a 300% increase in drug profits. Does that make any sense? It does -- if your goal is to make money at the expense of the sick.

So, do you think that your friendly doctor and the drug companies are trying to help you improve your health by convincing you to take more and more drugs?

And, are you aware that you (as a diabetic patient) generate an average  of almost $190,000 of revenue during your lifetime for the doctors, hospitals,  insurance companies, and pharmaceutical companies?  That's right! You're seen as a "cash cow" by the medical doctors,  hospitals, the pharmaceutical companies and the insurance companies. And, if you happen to have a good job with a good salary, it's closer to $250,000 -- a quarter of a million dollars!! Can you say ka-ching?

Many people with diabetes (or any similar disease) rationalize what they're spending for medical care. They have no idea that it's going to get worse, much worse. It's really sad -- many people (not just diabetics) lose their homes because of medical debt ... It's one of America's dirty little secrets:
Medical debt is the Number 1 cause of bankruptcy in the good ol' USA.

And, to make matters worse:
Medical debt is also the Number 1 cause of homelessness in the US.

And, we accept this as the norm!

In the meantime ...

The Drug Companies Are Laughing at Us - All the Way to the Bank

During a medical conference, after Mr. McCulley gave one of his inspirational talks, a couple of the pharmaceutical company reps told him:

"You have a great story, but you're wasting your time. People won't listen to you. People prefer to take our drugs instead of change the way they eat. It's easier to pop up pill than change your diet."

Mr. McCulley disagreed with them, but they said: "Okay, you're an engineer, right? Just take a look at the numbers: There are millions of diabetics who take our drugs, and we make billions of dollars off those drugs, and our revenues are going up every year."

Another pharmaceutical rep said: "And, it's not just the diabetes drugs. We make a lot of money off the pain medications, the cholesterol drugs, and high blood pressure drugs -- just to name a few."

The first pharmaceutical rep said: "People are hypocrites." They tell you they love your story, but they don't buy your book. Instead, they buy our drugs."    
Another pharmaceutical rep joined in on the conversation, and said: "I heard you mention that you're trying to get on TV, radio, and Facebook.  You're wasting your time.

We control a lot of the TV ads. TV isn't going to risk losing big revenue from us to air your story. Radio is passé -- who listens to the radio? And, forget about Facebook! People don't want to hear about diabetes and dieting on Facebook. People like to gossip -- that's why Facebook is so popular."

The second rep: "Yeah, you should give up while you still have your dignity."

Mr. McCulley was steaming on the inside, but he smiled and said: "You underestimate the will of the people. They're tired of being lied to, they're tired of being sick and relying on your drugs. They're going to rise up against you and reject your drugs. It's already starting to happen.  People are smarter and more resourceful than you think. You'll see ..."

All the reps walked away from Mr. McCulley, laughing loudly and shaking their heads ...

[Mr. McCulley told us later: "Wow, nobody is going to believe this! I wished I had taped that conversation ...]

But, there is something that you can do!

Let's take that smirky smile off their faces. Please help us (and you help the world!) in the fight against diabetes and the drug companies by becoming a Fan of Death to Diabetes and by joining us on Facebook.

And, if you want to help even more, go the bottom of this web page for a list of things that you can do that will take less than 2 minutes to accomplish.

Let's show them that we're not ready to lie down and let them walk all over us.

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