And, the experts who are not telling you the truth will have you locked into remaining diabetic and suffering unnecessarily from this disease.
Following are some additional myths about diabetes:
The American Diabetes Association is Searching for a Cure. Sure, they are. They are simply taking your money and promoting the drug and food companies agenda. That’s in my opinion and in those of many other diabetics. By the way, I worked (as a volunteer) for the ADA for more than 3 years.
Diabetes makes you fat. Being overweight may be caused by poor diet and lack of exercise. It is a fact that the majority of diabetics are overweight. The diabetes is a symptom with the same causes as the weight gain.
Cinnamon lowers blood sugars. While cinnamon can enhance the tastes of foods, it has not been proven to lower blood sugar readings over the long term. There was a study that showed an reduction in blood sugar but it did not last. Subsequent studies have not shown any benefit from cinnamon. Gorging on cinnamon can cause liver inflammation so use in moderation.
Diabetics should be on a low fat diet. Not true. Diabetics need the good fats in their diets just like everyone else. These low fat diets were the knee jerk reactions to problems caused by the bad fats in our diets. Diabetics should concentrate on avoiding junk foods and eat diets containing foods that stabilize blood sugars.
Insulin cures Diabetes. Nope. It helps control sugar levels by ushering glucose into the cells. The underlying causes are unchanged. Taking insulin forming pills or insulin is simply buying time to seek a cure.
The only way to treat diabetes is with medicine. Wow, I could write for days on this. To me, taking medication for type 2 diabetes is a short term solution. Once you change your diet and exercise routines, medicine should be unneeded. On this subject I will be at odds with traditionally educated doctors.
Treating diabetes with medication is all I need to do. If that were so then how do you explain the shortened lifespan of a diabetic?
As long as I take my pills or shots I can eat anything. If you believe this, I have a bridge to sell you. Pills or shots only hide the symptoms of your diabetes, while the diabetes continues to rot out your body!
Diabetes is incurable. - At least that is what we’ve all been told. Is diabetes curable? Somehow these experts haven’t talked to all the people who are living medication and insulin free. You won’t see their stories in the popular diabetes magazines either. That doesn’t sell advertising to drug companies. There are many former diabetics who lead drug free lives because they changed their former self destructive eating habits and added regular exercise. Today, there are many doctors like Dr. Rosedale, Dr. Mercola, Dr. Young, Dr. Fuhrman, Dr. Barnard, and Dr. Oz who are challenging this myth and proving it to be untrue. There is no pill you can take to cure diabetes or any other disease.
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