Got Milk?
We've all seen the "Got Milk" commercials -- very appealing ... catchy phrase ...But, have you noticed that most of the people in these ads are beautiful women? or athletes? celebrities? cute kids? cute animals? Don't fat people drink milk?
We've all seen the commercials about milk supposedly being able to help us lose weight. And, if you believe that, then, I've got a bridge to sell you.
Most of us have grown up drinking milk -- I remember I didn't like milk, but my parents said it was good for us.
During my recovery, I stopped drinking milk and eating most dairy products -- this seemed to contribute to what my doctors called a miraculous recovery from near-death, potential cataract surgery, and the threat of double-leg amputation.
During my diabetes and heart disease workshops, teleseminars, and classes, I'm always asked one or more of the following questions
"What do you have against milk?"
"Why do you list milk in your book as one of "the 5 "dead" foods"?
"Don't we need milk for the calcium?"
Unfortunately, we've all been bamboozled and hood-winked into believing that milk is good for us and for our children.
Now, if you're relatively healthy, then, your body may be able to handle this "dead" food. But, if you're diabetic, overweight, or struggling with some kind of illness, then, your body may not be able to handle cow's milk.
Some of the Problems with Cow's Milk
There are quite a few health-related problems associated with cow's milk, especially for children and older adults:
- Dead enzymes (can leads to auto-immune problems, i.e. Type 1 diabetes, lupus, , limited brain development, autism)
- Mucous-forming (leads to allergies, frequent colds, ear infections, auto-immune problems)
- HFCS or some other hidden -ose (leads to obesity, Type 2 diabetes, ADHD, limited brain development)
- Dead calcium (ok for children who have the lactase enzyme, but bad for adults)
- Hormone abnormalities via the growth hormones fed to the cows
- Weakened immune system via the antibiotics fed to the cows
All of this makes children weak physically, mentally, and emotionally; and sets the stage for children to be introduced a lot earlier to OTC drugs, and eventually prescription drugs -- when their bodies have not matured enough (especially the immune system) to handle the subtle toxins from the drugs. As a result, they become biochemically-dependent on the drugs -- from the food and the medications ...
If your child doesn't like milk, consider it a blessing. :-)
Now I know what some of you are thinking: Where do you get the calcium if you don't drink milk?
Well, there are a lot better ways to get calcium than by drinking "dead" milk, i.e. spinach, broccoli, mustard greens, collard greens, other green, leafy vegetables, okra, watercress, beans, sardines, wild salmon, tofu, almonds, walnuts, sesame seeds, apricots, figs, currants, oranges, low-fat yogurt, cottage cheese, raw milk.
And, keep in mind that there are 2 types of calcium: "dead" calcium and "living" calcium.
So, which calcium do you think is better for a child, or even an adult?

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