Sunday 18 July 2010


I thought I'd re post this video.
It's a video that we wish our doctors,
who don't believe this is real,
would watch.

I wish we had a pain clinic that treated the whole person just like this one does. It makes so much sense. We've got doctors that pat you on the fanny and shuffle you out the door. We've got pain doctors that write a prescription and could care less how you feel. If you even dare mention that all this pain and fatigue is causing depression they think you're just depressed and you're imagining all these symptoms.

What could be better than a clinic that treated you as a whole person and personally? No wonder they got the award for their clinic. What I wouldn't give to have something like that in Las Vegas. 

I take that back.
What I wouldn't give to have a clinic like that in every major city in the United States.

Pain is real.
It's not imagined.

Whether the cause is Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, Lupus, MS, Arthritis or any other disease pain is an everyday factor in our lives and we need help in order to manage it. There are days that we can manage and days we can't. We need something or someone who understands and gets it. I not only got valuable information from this video, I got depressed.

We don't have anyone who treats the whole person.
How do we find that?

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