Tuesday 13 July 2010


It's hot.
And I'm bothered.
What has happened?
It seems that
everyone I know
is having a real bad month.

Today, has been a pain day. I've experienced muscle spasms earlier in the day than usual. The old familiar stiffness and pain was present when I woke up this morning. I've also had a hard time keeping my eyes open.

Here we go again.

The old migrating pain. It hurts in my hands and then my feet. Tomorrow it might be my shoulder or it can be all over my body. But it never really goes away. I'm spending my days in a perpetual state of exhaustion. I've learned something though about saving up my energy. The problem with that is that when I have energy I overdo it. Then I end up paying for it.

Big time.

My fog has also been bothering me lately. Can we talk short term memory? Today I'd love to have memory at all. It's been one of those times that I can't remember what I did 5 minutes ago. I know I had a phone conversation but I can't remember what we said.

I'm writing this and I can't stop yawning......

Lately loud noise gets to me which is weird because when it comes to music I've always said, "if it's too loud you're too old." It isn't that, it is anything loud or discordant has been bothering me. I feel like everything is getting to me lately.

Maybe that's what we should rename this lovely disorder.

The pain bothers me, the fatigue bothers me, the brain fog bothers me, noise bothers me, heat bothers me, humidity bothers me, cold bothers me. My broken thermostat bothers me. I can't seem to get it regulated and that bothers me.

My inability to handle any type of stress bothers me. The depression bothers me. My thyroid bothers me and the fact that I can't lose this weight REALLY bothers me. The fact that I don't feel like going out bothers me. The fact that I have to store up little bits of energy bothers me.

Muscle spasms bother me and waiting for the muscle relaxers and pain medication to kick in bothers me. The fact that I have to take this medication at all bothers me.

When I do have good days I can't enjoy them because I know that the pain is right around the corner; that bothers me. I hate being curled up in bed in pain and the fact that the pain is still there bothers me. I'm acting like a sissy because of the pain and that bothers me.

I hate what this has done to my life and that bothers me. I need to get beyond that and I can't and that bothers me.

Everything bothers me lately.

Am I the only one??

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