Sunday 18 April 2010


Tonight is a pain night.

Funnily enough, it was a pretty good day. Now, this morning I was greeted with the ever-familiar muscle stiffness and pain but after a while it subsided into a dull ache that was manageable. Then tonight, all of a sudden, pain slammed me against the wall.

What the heck happened?

I have no fricking clue.

So, in order to take my mind off the pain in my hands and the rest of my body, I decided to type. I looked at Mr. H who is getting up in years. His little legs are starting to give out but the poor little guy remains his happy little self. He greets his pack with all the enthusiasm of his youth. Even though his little legs give out he still runs and he wags his tail with his whole body. 

Mr. H also never passes up the chance to go for a ride in the car. He loves a joyride and takes great pleasure in letting the air hit his face. Again, his legs will give out but he gets right up and stands so he can put his head out of the window to feel the breeze. Even though his age is getting to him he still eats with gusto and protects his "bone bag" from intruders. He lets nothing go to waste and doesn't stress if he isn't quite as trim as he used to be. He enjoys laying in the grass to keep cool. He stays quiet and gathers his thoughts and takes pleasure in the rest.

Mr. H is content. 

No matter what his body is doing to him he is satisfied that all his needs are met. He doesn't focus on what he isn't able to do he just does what he wants. If he needs to stop he complaining or whining. 

He accepts his limitations. 

I should be more like H.

(he doesn't leave the house without his I.D.)

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