Sunday 11 April 2010


Mr. H is getting ready for Danielle's wedding!

Well, today I got to pry myself from my usual horizontal position and go shopping for wedding dresses. No, not for me but for my daughter. I am still in a fair amount of pain and I think I only got a couple of hours of sleep last night.  I couldn't get comfortable and then my body couldn't decide whether it was hot or cold. Not a lot of fun trying to get into sleep mode.

No matter. I would have crawled to see her try on these dresses. The other half of the "outlaws" as I like to call them, was there as well as her dear friends. The "moms" can get in all sorts of trouble so instead of the in-laws we are the outlaws! Actually, the other half is the president of the bad girls club at the school where she teaches!  She's a dear woman and we get along famously. It's wonderful when families blend so well. 

Anyway, what a difference than when she tried on wedding dresses the last time. It was about 4 years ago and she was engaged. I should have known something was up when she barely cracked a smile as she was trying on gowns. She didn't look happy to me but she said everything was fine.  Everything works itself out for a reason and seeing her today was really something amazing. 

She was radiant! 

She's so in love with the man she's marrying. It's just the way it should be and you can see it all over her face. No reservations or hesitations and the dress she chose is MAGNIFICENT. Now, I happen to think she'd look beautiful in anything she put on but this dress is stunning. I'm so happy for her. It wasn't until I snapped off about 50 pictures that I noticed the "no photography" sign. I'd never seen that before in a bridal shop. Unless you purchase the gown you can't take photos. Weird, huh? I guess I understand but this is a HUGE deal and I took the pics anyway. 

It took a couple of hours and now I'm trashed. Geez, you'd think I'd run a marathon. I sat in a chair like the good mother of the bride and watched her try on dresses. They did have mother of the bride dresses but they looked more like Grandmother of the Bride dresses to us. I couldn't have tried one on anyway, that's how much it hurts today.  I'm so tired that I can hardly keep my eyes open so right after this it's nap time. Well, I didn't get any sleep last night so I'm probably just catching up. My whole body's the usual who-took-a-baseball-bat-and-beat-the-hell-out-of-me syndrome and I kept yawning.  What else is new? 

All I want to know is when I'm going to feel even just a little bit better? I want to enjoy this time with my daughter without pain clouding the issue. My dog, Mr. H, has the right idea. He's 14 and he thinks naps are a wonderful way to spend Sunday afternoon. 

I'm with him.

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