Friday 18 April 2014


As we keep saying, 
until we are blue in the face.......

A - is for this is not all in our head! Even though research has proven it and medical journals have validated us there are still physicians who think this is all in our heads. It's demeaning and infuriating and it causes torment to those who have to go from doctor to doctor to find one that will believe that we're hurting and there is a reason.

A - is for the anguish this causes and......

A - is for the arrogance of some doctors and you'd like to slap them silly for callously dismissing the symptoms we have all because they can't find the time to help you with management.

A - is for advocate. There is no if, and, or but about it. We must be our own advocate. We need to arm ourselves with as much knowledge as we can. We need to watch what is prescribed and learn about our condition and how to manage it.  If we don't, no one will. The medical community is full of naysayers and doctors that haven't got the time for us. 

A - is for assertive. Yes, we need to have a voice and use it for what we need and expect from those who treat us. We should never walk out of an office in tears. We should never be confused by instructions or treatments that don't make any sense. When we find our voice we also find our confidence. Never be afraid to stand up for what you believe.

A - is for advice. Everyone has advice and you'll get a ton of it. People can be well meaning but this isn't just tired. This isn't just, "well I have aches and pains too." Everyone has someone who has someone who knows someone who has Fibromyalgia. Again, I'm sure they are well intentioned but there is advice galore out there. If you just take more magnesium it will help you.........sometimes it's just better to smile and say thank you.

A - is for appallingThere are sites that are full of the latest "cure." For $49.95 there is a supplement that will be the answer to all your prayers. These sites prey on our pain, fatigue and desire to find anything that can help us resume our life. There are snake oil salesman disguised as physicians that will promise to cure you if you just sign up for their protocol. There are people that will take advantage of the misery of others. Do a lot of research before you succumb to herbal remedies, vitamin or IV protocols or anything that promises you a cure. Some can be dangerous, let alone extremely expensive. Be careful.

A - is for agony.  Chronic illness takes a toll on your life. There is the physical agony and then there is the emotional agony. I don't know which one is worse. 

A - is for acknowledge. I have to acknowledge that this is "what it is." Why I still struggle with denial is beyond me. I think it's those days that I feel like I can leap tall buildings in a single bound. 

A - is for anxiety. Every single time, I mean every single time a new symptom pops up....

which brings me to.........



waiting again for..........

something that will.........

alleviate all of this...........

( and this one is shorter because there is another A in Fibromyalgia!!)

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