We all know that exercise is important, but, most of us usually try to find ways to get out of exercising. 

Here are some of the more common excuses for skipping exercise along with ways to combat those excuses.
I don’t have time: This is by far one of the most common excuses that people use. People that use this excuse are actually saying that exercise is not enough of a priority to make it on their daily or weekly to-do list. If you fall into this category, then it’s time to review your daily priority list. Certainly there is something less important that you are doing for 10-15 minutes every day that can be replaced with exercise.
After all, exercise is one of the most important things you can do for yourself and your family to ensure that you live a high quality life. Try to increase your daily physical activity and integrate exercise into your daily life.
I’m too fat (or out-of-shape): Unless your doctor has forbidden you to exercise, then it’s very unlikely that this excuse has any validity. If you are extremely out-of-shape, then you simply need to start with baby steps. Walking is always a great place to start. You may have to start with just five minutes. That’s okay. You can gradually add more time each week.
If walking is not an option, then you could try some pool exercises. There are many beneficial strength training exercises you can do while sitting with a resistance band, flex bar, resistance chair or a rowing machine.
I’m too tired: This is a common excuse, especially with diabetics, overweight people and people who have insulin resistance – all because of poor nutrition. Without proper nutrition (fuel), the body cannot produce the necessary energy for exercise, leading to fatigue. This excuse also creates a vicious circle because the more sedentary you are then the more tired you become; and, the more tired you are then the less appealing exercise sounds. Exercise can actually make you feel more revived then a nap because it stimulates your lymphatic, immune, and cardiovascular systems – especially if you provide your body with the proper nutrition. Regular physical activity increases your energy level. In addition, consistent exercise helps you to fall asleep faster and sleep better, which allows you to feel rested every day.
I really don’t like to exercise: This is usually due to the boredom that you feel during exercise or the fact that your body not only feels achy after exercising but the fact that it aches for the next couple days. Many people still have the old “no pain, no gain” mentality and think that in order for exercise to be worthwhile you have to be miserable doing it. This just isn’t true. Some people don’t like to exercise because they don’t like to sweat. Actually, you don’t have to work up a big sweat every time you exercise – it’s all about just getting the body moving. Consider things that you really like to do. If you prefer competitive situations, then consider joining a recreational sports team. If you are a social person, join an exercise group or take an exercise class with your friends. If you enjoy spending time alone, then try yoga or evening walks. And, don’t over do the exercise – that is part of the reason for the sore muscles.
I’ve tried and failed in the past: It’s true that it can be difficult to get motivated to exercise after you’ve failed before, but isn’t your health worth another try? If you’ve been unsuccessful in the past, then re-evaluate what went wrong. Did you try to do too much, too quickly? It’s very common to be overzealous when starting out and end up either burning out or getting injured early on. Did you set unrealistic goals for yourself? Try to establish small goals that are truly achievable, for example, that you will workout three times a week for the next month.
I’m too old to get started: It may sound cliché, but you are never too old to get started. Everyone can benefit from exercising. Even if you are a senior citizen you can reap many rewards from starting an exercise program. Okay, so maybe you won’t be a marathon runner or a bodybuilder, but you’ll be able to carry your groceries, walk the stairs easier, play with your grandchildren, improve your balance, and improve your glucose control if you’re diabetic. And, more importantly, you’ll enjoy your meals because you realize that the meals are providing the extra energy you didn’t have in the past.
The inconsistent weather makes it difficult, or I don’t have any exercise equipment: Nice try, but you can exercise indoors and get your heart pumping without any fancy exercise equipment. Don’t underestimate what you can do with things that are already in your house. For example, if you have a flight of stairs then you have an awesome way to get your heart rate up by walking or running the stairs. Grab a couple of soup cans to emulate dumbbells for strength training exercises.
I can’t afford a gym membership: You don’t have to spend a single dollar for a gym membership in order to get fitter. Just walking outside is a great place to start. Also, home fitness equipment has become very affordable and accessible. For as little as $35 you can buy some great home equipment that will really challenge your body. A resistance band, a couple of small hand weights and an exercise ball allow you to work every muscle group and even obtain a good cardiovascular workout.
I don’t know what exercises to do: There are literally dozens of ways to learn what exercises will help you. There are hundreds of books, websites, television shows and videos that offer advice and tips. If you have the money, another way to ensure your workouts are most effective is to hire a personal trainer or an online personal trainer. They can guide you every step of the way so that you don’t waste any time doing exercises the wrong way.
Or, just increase your daily physical activities, i.e. take the stairs (instead of the elevator); gardening; mowing the lawn; mall walking while shopping, dancing, cleaning the house, park farther from the store and walk, exercise on a stationary bike while on the phone or watching TV.
I just can’t get motivated or I don’t want to change: Keep in mind that most of us are resistant to change. So, find something that will motivate you to exercise. For me, initially, it was the fear of dying. Later, it was the feeling I got from a good exercise session. For you, it may be your spouse, your children, your grandchildren, the quality of your life, or it may be financial (less expenses for drugs, doctors and hospitals).
To help you get started, set small, short-term goals. Start with a promise to just take the stairs instead of the elevator, for example. Then you might move onto scheduling 10 minutes of activity a couple of times per week. Also, make a list of all the positive benefits exercising has on your life. Your list might include giving you more energy, reducing your health ailments and more. The list should be pretty long. Post it somewhere that you will see it regularly and it can serve as a reminder to you as to why you need to workout.
Another option is to take a yoga or T’ai Chi class. They are two great ways to get the physical activity you need and learn the techniques of proper breathing and relaxation. Yoga is a physical way of life emphasizing the harmony of the body and mind, and a philosophical way of life that is based on Eastern metaphysical beliefs. T’ai Chi is an ancient Chinese art of exercise and self-defense with an emphasis on relaxation, both physical and mental, which leads to developing internal strength. T’ai Chi is classified as a low impact aerobic exercise comparable to walking that is used as a therapeutic exercise for people who are recovering from illness or injury, or for those who are beginning an exercise program.
There are new muscle activation techniques that provide maximum benefits in less time by utilizing a series of sequential movements designed to put the body in proper functional alignment, establishing increased strength and flexibility of the spine, better neuro-kinetic flow, lymphatic function, and an increased metabolic rate. In addition, you can utilize these muscle activation techniques while you are at work, shopping, walking, driving or doing everyday household chores – consequently, reducing the amount of time you need to spend exercising each day. Contact our wellness center for more information.
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