Wednesday 17 April 2013

Meal Planning to Reverse Type 2 Diabetes

Meal planning is one of the key enablers for diabetics to be successful with controlling and reversing their Type 2 diabetes. Unfortunately, many diabetics don't perform meal planning because they think it's boring, they think it's time-consuming, or they don't know how to properly meal plan -- especially to improve their diabetes and their overall health. Plus, meal planning is a lot more difficult if you travel a lot.

Proper meal planning is all about organization, planning, and good recipes -- and, having a simple meal plate model that makes it easy to implement a healthy set of meals every day.

Super Meal Plate reverses Type 2 diabetes.

From the Author:
Mr. McCulley admits that it was very intimidating when he realized everything that he would have to do to manage his diabetes. Trying to navigate through the various activities every day was very intimidating and confusing at times. 

There was a lot to remember: from pricking his finger 6-8 times a day, to recording the blood glucose readings, analyzing the readings, injecting himself with insulin 4 times a day, taking other medications (i.e. Coumadin, Lipitor), planning meals, preparing the meals, shopping for groceries, making doctor appointments, recordkeeping, and finding time to exercise.

Mr. McCulley was surprised to discover that there was
no structured, systematic step-by-step process that would guide him through managing his diabetes on a daily basis, including how to do meal planning -- something he took for granted before he got sick. As a result, once he got well and wrote the book, he decided to develop a set of meal planning diagrams, charts  and journal templates that would make it easier for diabetics to perform proper meal planning.

For example, the 90-Day Meal Planning Charts provide a specific menu of meals (breakfast, lunch, snacks, and dinner) for 90 days in chart format. The meal plan is laid out in a structured table for ease of use to support your meal planning. The 90-Day meal planner is divided into 3 phases for a more effective meal plan based on your blood glucose readings and health needs. 

In addition, the author expanded his Death to Diabetes cookbook to demonstrate that meal planning is not boring and it's not time-consuming. In fact, proper meal planning will save time and will save money, and can even be enjoyable.

Key aspects of proper meal planning include:
  • How to shop for groceries
  • How to read food labels
  • How to select the proper foods
  • When to shop for groceries and why
  • How to save time and money when grocery-shopping
Another key enabler is meal preparation. Once you purchase the proper foods, it's very important that you know how to prepare the meals such that you obtain maximum nutrition from the meals. For example, if you overcook the vegetables, then, you destroy many of the key nutrients that your body needs to fight the diabetes.

Key aspects of proper meal preparation include: 
  • The best oils for salads, cooking, etc.
  • How to prepare super meals
  • How to prepare quick meals that are healthy
  • How to prepare snacks that are healthy
  • How to prepare quick lunches
  • How to prepare vegetables
  • How to prepare vegetable soups
  • How to prepare stir-frys
  • What herbs/spices to use with what foods
  • How to transform comfort foods into healthier foods
  • How to transform your favorite meals and desserts into healthier meals
  • How to reduce the fat and sugar in your meals but keep the meals tasty 
Super Meal Plate Diagram: 

Super Meal Plate reverses Type 2 diabetes.

Examples of Super Meals:

Super Meals reverse Type 2 diabetes.

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