Saturday 25 August 2012


Every so often....
I see something.......
that really ticks me off.
This is one of those "so oftens."

I guess if you chose not to get a diploma or further your education you do better on a multidisciplinary treatment than another person who had the opportunity to further their education.

Let me rephrase that.
The multidisciplinary treatment that is "adapted" to people with "low educational levels"

I'm going to include a link to the article at the bottom of the post.

It seems that the more educated group received a pharmacological treatment and the less educated group received the multidisciplinary treatment. This lower educated group received physical therapy, education, cognitive behavioral therapy AND pharmacological therapy. 

I need to quote this article because I'm not sure what part of the article insults me the most. "Multidisciplinary treatment adapted for women with low educational levels is superior to conventional pharmacotherapy in reducing key symptoms of Fibromyalgia, including sleep disturbances, catastrophizing and psychological distress."

So....are the more educated given pills to make them go away? Are the less educated given full therapy because of the catastrophizing and psychological distress????? 

Needless to say this article REALLY TICKS ME OFF.

Let me say again......





Is it any wonder why doctors think this is all in our heads?

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