Saturday 18 August 2012


It's been an interesting month.
Plus, its my birthday.
Get the party hats out now.

Summers in Las Vegas are especially trying. You'd think after living here for over 47 years that I'd be used to them.


I still hate the heat. I know for some the heat is welcome. Not for me. I do so much better when the weather is cold. Humidity is always a killer but the combination of heat and humidity just puts me under. 

It's been almost a month of that.

It's tough to sleep and the brain fog has been rearing its ugly head. I hate forgetting things. Although the pain is at the forefront of my symptoms, the brain fog is really disturbing. Mainly, because I had (notice I said "had") an exceptional memory. I could read something once and commit it to memory and recite it almost verbatim. We used to do party tricks with credit cards. I'd have a card flashed at me and then recite the numbers back to the holder of the card. (Boy, could that come in handy!!) Anyway, I can forget my own name but I can still remember my former husbands American Express number. 

3782-632231-52040 (It's OK......the card is gone and the number is no more)

The pain has been crazy lately and, like I said, the fog has been bothering me. Did I also mention that I'm turning 60 this month? Turning 60 (OMG) is really getting to me. I hear that I don't look it but that's not helping. I guess it's better than the alternative but the last ten years have gone by REAL FAST.  I don't even want to think about the next ten. I didn't have trouble with any of the years but this one is really bugging me. I know there's nothing I can do about it but..........I start to think about the next milestone year and that one is 70. Like I said, I'm not doing well with this birthday!

Let's face it....even if you have been blessed with some pretty good genes, there comes a point that you're not a kid anymore. My face may not look 60 but my body feels every bit of it. Truth be told, today it feels more like 90.  So, it's back to the pain and the fog.......will this humidity stop? Please?

My daughter and I were talking about this birthday. I really don't want a big deal because I just don't feel up to it. Interesting, ten years ago I was visiting her in Florida. I had just quit smoking because I promised her that I would quit when I turned 50. Thank goodness she held me to that promise! We were running around Orlando having a fabulous time.  I was working and didn't have too much to worry about in life. Boy, do I wish I could have a do-over..........

Amazing what can happen in a ten year period.

One little car accident .....

And with it........

Chaos and mayhem........

As I always say....It could have been worse.

I'm going back to the couch now...........

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