Friday 11 June 2010


I mentioned a soapbox in the last post.
I got on one.
I got down.
Stupid me.
I just couldn't keep my mouth shut.

I started looking at the different kind of pills out there for Fibromyalgia. When I got to the sleep inducers I casually mentioned that I didn't want to take them. Right now I wish I had one. It's 4:30 and I'm awake.

Why am I awake? The tooth that the dentist worked on again today is throbbing. It was Day 2 of the root canal. Oh joy. So I just took another pain pill and I hope it works. 

Also, I worked on the last post until 2 and now its 4:30. If that tells me anything this is going to be a very pissy day. I should have just shut down when I first started to get tired but, no, I wanted to keep reading about treatments.

I think I'm going to put on a movie and scowl.

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