Friday 4 July 2014


110 degrees.
Under the eaves.
In the shade.

I've never liked the heat and I like it even less now. You'd think that after 51 years in Las Vegas that I would get used to the desert heat.

Not only no.
Hell no.

I didn't mind it as much when I was in the pool but with the onset of age and some common sense, I stopped baking in the sun. Then, when I was working, I spent a great deal of the day in the sales office. I only ventured outside when I couldn't talk anyone into not looking at their home site in the middle of the day. 

Now I just stay inside.

Since the thyroid regulates temperature is it still a by-product of the autoimmune issues I have with it? I take enough thyroid medication to keep it in the "normal" range but maybe it isn't enough. I just can't seem to deal with the heat anymore. I think heat intolerance doesn't adequately describe it.

It makes me sick.
The upside? I can use the Vitamin D.
Did you catch the sarcasm dripping off of that last statement?

We're going to have excessive heat this week. I wasn't kidding about the 110 degrees. The official heat is measured at our airport about 30 feet up and under the eave in the shade. Really. In all actuality it will probably be 117 in the lower parts of the valley. This kind of heat is smothering. The temperature in the car can easily get to 140. You don't mess around with those kind of temperatures.

It gets dangerous.
No kidding.

You have to plan any errands in the "cooler" part of the day. That means before 10 in the morning and after 7 at night. Even then I take a cooler with me to the store because a quick trip can mean frozen food can start to thaw. Sunglasses are a must if you have light sensitivity (which I do). 

And you have to stay hydrated.
Again, no kidding.

So I'm hibernating this week and praying that the heat will break, otherwise, it's going to be a doozy of a summer. That doesn't take into account the amount of money I'll be donating to Nevada Power.

Gee, I can't wait.

So here I am wishing I was in Antarctica.


it's a dry heat!

So I think I'll watch the fireworks on TV.......

UPDATE: the clouds moved in and it now has started to rain. Yay for the ground, bad for me.

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