Sunday 29 June 2014


I am truly Miss Erable. 
Not only am I in pain.
But my brains are fried.

I had the greatest start. I got a call from Tonix Pharmecuticals and spoke for about 45 minutes with Dr. Seth Lederman. He's the CEO of Tonix and it was absolutely an amazing phone call. 

More on that in the next post.

Then, I realized my real estate license requires education within the two year of the four year period. Now, that means I have to sit in class for 3 hours..... and I need to do this for a total of twelve hours.

First of all, I hate sitting in classes. It hurts because the chairs are hard and by the time I get up I can't walk. The pain is shooting down my legs and I'm crying because I'm only a quarter of the way done.

Oh my.
But I've come to a decision. 

I'm making an appointment with a neurosurgeon. I always said that when I could no longer sit or stand without pain I'd give in and do something about my back. I can handle the Fibromyalgia pain but the back pain is beyond handling anymore. So I'm making the appointment to see what needs to be done. Years ago the odds were not that good that they could repair my back and have the outcome favorable. 

Hopefully, things have changed.

So between the back and the real estate classes I haven't had the time or the motivation to write about the wonderful research that Tonix Pharmaceuticals has done.

And it could be a game changer.

So off to more torture tomorrow.

Did I mention that I also missed the cutoff for my classes?

That's a lovely little $100 fine.


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