Wednesday 13 July 2011

So-called Healthy Foods [Part 1]

There are a lot of foods that are marketed as "healthy"foods but,they're not. In fact, many of these so-called "healthy" foods actually fuel diabetes and other diseases!
-- Cereal: gateway food, sugar
-- Oatmeal: yeah, I know, everyone is shocked by that one
-- Wheat bread (flour, PHO, HFCS)
-- Yogurt: too much sugar, dead bacteria
-- Canola oil: man-made, hydrogenated
-- Soy: yeah, we Americanized a good thing from the Asians
-- Fruit juice: lots of sugar
-- Bottled water: 52% is tap water!
-- Cow's milk: pasteurized, homogenized, "dead", mucous-forming

Many of our clients and other diabetics get frustrated when they don't understand why they're blood glucose level doesn't come down once they start eating healthy foods. But, once they realize that some of the foods they were eating were actually not healthy foods, they were a little upset. But, once they made the necessary dietary changes, and saw their blood glucose levels start coming down, they were very happy.

During the past few months, this topic also came up during a couple of our corporate wellness workshops, a webinar, and a radio call-in show.

So, we decided that we should post some of these foods, and make people aware of what's real healthy and not healthy.

p.s. There's a lot more so-called "healthy" foods, so we will add to this list with future posts. Feel free to email us if you have some foods that you believe should be on the list.

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