Tuesday 16 November 2010


Yes, I think I've got it.
Unfortunately, I think it's 
the XMRV retrovirus.

One of the best things about blogging is the interesting people that I get to meet. One man, "George" contacted me and every so often we trade information about Chronic Fatigue/ME and Fibromyalgia. He also has both illnesses but leaning more to the Chronic Fatigue side. I have both but lean more toward the Fibromyalgia side. He has been very helpful with his knowledge of medications and is very much into the research end of these illnesses. He has provided me with some wonderful links which I will add at the end of this post.

He asked me to announce some studies with people who have tested positive for the XMRV virus. I'm going to copy his email on to the blog so that I don't miss anything important by trying to summarize.

" In the mean time do you or any of your friends been tested positive for the XMRV retrovirus. The reason I am asking as a very prominent researcher is looking into XMRV and also MLV, MULV as causing Fibromyalgia and CFS as per NIH Alter, discoverer of Hepatitis B & C, and FDA Dr. Lo recent research study. The NIH is researching the cause of these illnesses by putting the world renown  expert, Dr. Ian Lipkin, known for rapidly discovering the agents of emerging infectious diseases in charge of finding out what's going on.

Another prominent researcher is looking for patients who tested positive for XMRV. He works at the world famous Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Institute and the University of Washington in virology and molecular biology.

So maybe you can the get the word out via your blog to determine if anyone was tested for XMRV as he wants them in his research. I am a fund raiser for Fibromyalgia and CFS and I am also a member of a very large philanthropic foundation. I am trying to contact researchers who are willing to investigate this disease as well as obtaining funding through my foundation."

I'm also going to forward this information to Dominee Bush who has a fantastic newsletter for sufferers of chronic illness. If you haven't signed up for her newsletter, I encourage you to do so. It really is helpful. Funnily enough, I had no idea who she was when I signed up for her newsletter. I happened to stumble upon it and liked it, so I subscribed. Believe it or not, I went to high school with her! Amazing, isn't it? I will also include the link to her newsletter at the bottom of this post.

So if any of you have tested positive for XMRV, please let me know and I'll forward your information on to George. If you would like to use this post or link back to it from your blog, please feel free to do so, in fact, it would be very much appreciated.

I have a post, funnily enough, about my distrust of doctors and looking for people that might actually be interested in looking for a cure or one that wants to treat the whole person. Then, I got the email from George. Things always happen for a reason!!

So here are the links that George has provided and again, if any of you would like to get information from George on this research, please don't hesitate to contact me at roselee3@cox.net. 

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