Monday 18 October 2010


We need more of it.
There's never enough.

I'll tell you that having pets is wonderful, fulfilling and even therapeutic. Anyone can tell you that my home is run for the convenience of my dog. 

My dogs name is H. 

H is a world traveller. He reads the Wall Street Journal and invests in stocks and bonds. He was the finance minister in Abu Dhabi, he invests in Sonic Cards and he's owned restaurants with his old bud Squirt. His recent adventure was with the miner's in Chile. He rode down in the Phoenix capsule and he loved his little miners hat. He was especially happy to meet El Presidente.

All of my dogs have alter egos. H is especially easy because he's just a happy guy. I just adore this little dog.

I had to take him to the vet because he was bleeding from his backside. The vet told me that he has tumors and the outlook isn't good. He is going to give me a week to see if the swelling will go down. If it doesn't he advised me to make a difficult decision. H is getting up there in years and I've known that time is getting short but it doesn't make it any easier.

Not good.

It's never easy to make this kind of a decision. They don't ask a whole lot. They just want to be loved. They give you everything that they have and ask for so little in return. I won't let him suffer but I'll tell you, this is going to be tough.

I just want more of it for my little guy.

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