Tuesday 23 March 2010


There seemed to be something in the air.

Today just seemed to be the day that I could have slept all day long. Last night I didn't sleep much at all. It seemed like every hour I was turning and awake. I was exhausted. I talked to my daughter and she was tired too. The problem is that I see a lot of the same symptoms in her that I have. At least she has an appointment to see the doctor and get a jump on this before it gets out of hand.

The sleep deprivation does so much damage to daily life. I used to be able to fall asleep at the drop of a hat but most importantly, I could stay asleep. Even during the most stressful periods of my life sleep problems were non-existent. Sleep was the time where I could forget the days worries and problems and sink into blissful slumber.  What I'd give for days like that again! 

Medications, even the natural ones, don't seem to give me the deep sleep that I need. I do think that the natural sleep aid called Midnites, which is melatonin, seems to help me fall asleep. They dissolve quickly and taste pretty good. I also use aromatherapy for sleep; well, I'll try anything at this point.

Staying asleep is a whole other problem. It's the alpha wave intrusion that plagues me. The disrupted sleep leads to the fatigue and a whole host of other symptoms. At a time when we should be in deep rest the awake brain waves (alpha waves) intrude and the deep REM sleep is gone. 

What is prescribed as behavioral modifications for the treatment of insomnia doesn't seem to me to be particularly helpful to someone with Fibromyalgia. I understand what the intent is but for me it just wouldn't work. Actually, it would make it worse. For example, let's just take no TV, phone or computer while lying in bed. Ok, let me think about this. If I'm in a great deal of pain and I'm in bed that means I have nothing to distract me. All I will do is be in bed and have nothing to think about but the pain. Nope, that won't work. 

Let's try maintaining a regular sleep schedule and waking at the same time no matter what amount of sleep you've gotten during the night. Well, this one will increase the sleep debt considerably. I can maintain a sleep schedule all I want. All this will do will insure that my eyes will be open at 3 or 4 in the morning but no matter what I will get up at 8 in the morning. Oh, also one of the other prescribed treatments is not to nap during the day. With the amount of sleep deprivation that I already have let's increase it by forcing myself to stay awake when there just might be a possibility that I can get some quality sleep. 

Now for the exercise. I'll agree that people with Fibromyalgia need to exercise. Too much and we're down for the count. Not enough exercise and we're down for the count. There's a fine balance and you need to know your body so that you don't go into the overdo it - then pay for it cycle. It doesn't seem to have any influence on how much sleep I'll be able to get during the night. 

Maintaining a ritual before bed seems easy. It's nice and it feels good but it doesn't make any difference in my sleep quality. 

If these recommendations worked I'd follow them. I'd not only follow them I'd shout it from the rooftops but what we have goes beyond simple behavioral modifications. Our body chemistry is totally screwed up and it will take more than maintaining rituals to fix it.

So today has been a day of fatigue and the ever present fog. I'm still not sleeping and the pain level is about a 6.........

and this has been one of the better days.......

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