Friday 17 July 2009


a whole, raw red bell pepper

We all have hectic schedules.

Well, not true...........not me.

However, the group came up with a

great idea to make sure we get together for

just "us" time.

Third Thursday.

Every third Thursday of the month we'll meet. The hostess will have two recipes that sound great and that we've never tried. This way we have a great excuse to get together and combine that with something we love. Cooking and baking.

So last night was the first "Third Thursday." It turned out to be a huge success. Not only did we laugh and have a great time but the first two recipes turned out to be killer!

The first one was a provolone, procuitto wrapped in red peppers and grilled. Oh man.......that was like eating a huge yummy pizza without the bread. The provolone is marinated with oregano, basil and EVOO. You have to wrap it with twine that has been soaked in water otherwise a nice kitchen fire will also be part of the agenda.

Slice the provolone, wrap the procuitto around it and then wrap that with the red pepper. Tie it up with the twine......throw it on the grill and YUM!!!!!!!!!!!
Pesto being processed.

Then we made pesto chicken sandwiches with carmelized onions and parmesan cheese. We made the pesto. I usually just buy the costco pesto (which is fabulous) but last night we made pesto. Oh .........very very good stuff.
All in all it was a wonderful time, with wonderful women and wonderful food.

Does it get any better than that??

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