Monday 27 July 2009

Benefits of the "Death to Diabetes" Wellness Program to Reverse Diabetes

Death to Diabetes (ISBN 0977360741), now one of the top-selling diabetes books in the U.S, is one of the few diabetes books that looks at diabetes at the cellular level and from several aspects of medical science, including pathology, etiology, and epidemiology. The book also looks at diabetes from the aspect of several engineering sciences including reverse engineering, failure modes & effects analysis, root cause analysis, statistical analysis, meta analysis, and process engineering. The book identifies more than 200 clinical studies that support the nutritional recommendations of the author.

Reference: Clinical Studies (that support this wellness program)

As a result, the book provides a concise and easy-to-read set of procedures for a Type 2 diabetic to customize to his/her needs and get their diabetes under control within three months. As a result, many diabetics have been able to reverse their diabetes and beat the disease.

The key benefits to following the “Death to Diabetes” wellness program include:
• Lower your blood glucose level to the normal range within days.
• Increase your energy level, and avoid the cravings and highs and lows associated with eating processed foods.
• Begin reversing and beating your diabetes within 30 days.
• Lose weight (fat) by turning your body into a fat-burning machine.
• Reduce the belly fat, which is hard to get rid of following conventional diets.
• Save thousands of dollars from drugs, more drugs, surgeries, hospital stays, and high healthcare insurance premiums.
• Save hundreds of dollars from grocery-shopping and food bills.
• Learn how to transform your favorite foods into healthier foods, so that you can enjoy eating without the anxiety.
• Enjoy weddings, picnics, birthday parties, and other social events – because the book teaches you how to eat before and after these events to limit the damage to your health.
• Enjoy a better sex life, because the wellness program addresses circulatory issues that have proven to be one of the primary problems associated with sexual dysfunction.
• Look younger and so much better that your friends think that you have had a facelift or liposuction!
• Prevent the complications of diabetes, including heart attack, stroke, blindness, amputation, gum disease, and kidney failure.
• Reverse your diabetes and its complications in 3 to 6 months

More than 91% of Type 2 diabetics who followed this program have achieved some improvement in their diabetes and overall health, including lower blood pressure, lower A1C and lower BMI.

Reference: Diabetes Abstract (with supporting data from diabetics who followed the program)

Here are several of the hundreds of testimonials from diabetics and non-diabetics:

“My doctor told me that all signs of my diabetes were gone! And, the pain in my foot from the neuropathy is gone.” D. Carter, ex-diabetic

“I got this book “Death to Diabetes” for a relative and she loved it so much she got one for her doctor! Her doctor loves “Death to Diabetes” too! Her glucose readings have been steadily returning to normal ranges and she is off oral diabetic meds and is no longer on daily insulin injections. All this within 6 months of reeducating herself to the truth. This is truly DEATH to DIABETES!!! Follow it, don’t question it, and see the results for yourself!!” V. Koehler

“My husband has diabetes and up until recently it has been uncontrollable, so we've been reading book after book on the subject. When I purchased "Death to Diabetes", it was like none other in scope … This is the one book that every diabetic should read.” G. Martin (Houston, TX)

“My daughter sent me two books and while I refer to the other occasionally, this book “Death to Diabetes” set me in the direction of getting off my meds and reversing my diabetic condition. A MUST READ for all diabetics, newly diagnosed or long term. I loved it.” Janeice Pennington (Hawaii)

“I recommend this book (“Death to Diabetes”) not only to all diabetics but to anyone who is suffering from his or her unhealthy lifestyle. Although McCulley's theories are not strictly in line with current medical thinking, his advice for changing our lives for the better is right on. Over half of all Type 2 diabetics who strictly follow his advice will be cured of their diabetes problem, as well as lowering their cholesterol and blood pressure. Don't miss out on this book.” Dr. William Bayer, MD (Rochester, NY)

This book has coined several new phrases that are spreading across America, e.g. ex-diabetic, the 5 super foods, the 5 dead foods, The Super Meal Model, The Death to Diabetes Diet, super carbs, super fats, the 7 diabetes wellness factors, victor of wellness vs. victim of illness, diabetes engineer, engineer1337, 6-stage diabetes program, etc.

McCulley’s workshops and seminars have been well-received because of the thoroughness of his lectures and his ability to use humor and his personal stories to bring hope and connect with other diabetics.

McCulley states during his lectures: “You can beat your diabetes, and you can reverse the complications of Type 2 diabetes – if you are armed with the knowledge and the drive to want to live a healthier life. Just follow the Super Breakfast protocol on my website.”

McCulley says emphatically: “You can become a victor of knowledge & wellness, and stop being a victim of ignorance & illness – it’s all up to you.”

For more detail, go to

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