Tuesday 2 June 2009


"It's not that I don't care about losing good friends. It's simply I know when someone wants to walk, let them. Cut the cord and don't look back. They're not worth the time it takes to hold onto a cord that is unraveling, anyway."

You know......it's amazing how much you can learn from your kids if you just listen. The statement that I posted above could have saved me years of heartache. It's true.....if you can go through this life and count your friends on one hand, you're a very lucky person. People come and go and there is a reason and season for everything.
It's keeps you in somewhat of a comfort zone when you look at people the way you want them to be instead of the way that they are. What don't you realize? They don't pay the price, you do. Keeping the cord from unraveling when it's going to anyway is very consuming work. It is better to let it go. Memories play funny tricks on your mind and sometimes you think you can re-capture the feeling or you don't want to make the first move. It comes back to standing for something is better than falling for anything.
I've got members of family that have gotten so far to the edge of the world but it's not my job to keep them from going over the cliff. I've come to realize that if I hang on they'll take me over with them. There's a fine line between supportive and enabling. It became time to let it go and say so. I'll tell you............it feels good.
The other thing is that sometimes it's very easy to confuse personality with character. That little lesson sometimes costs you as well. So as life lessons continue, I am indebted to my son-in-law for genuine words of wisdom that I will take to heart.

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