Friday 22 July 2005

Reversing & Curing Type 2 Diabetes - Part 2

In addition to nutrition (eating the 5 "live" foods and avoiding the 5 "dead" foods), there are several other elements that needs to be managed in order to effectively control and reverse (Type 2) diabetes and its complications:
-- Blood glucose testing: I tested 8-12 times a day initially to develop my nutritional profile)
-- Blood glucose analysis: to determine your corrective actions)
-- Exercise: must be performed on a consistent basis; and must include weight-resistance to increase glucose uptake)
-- Knowledge/education: this is the real key that will set you free)
-- Cleansing/detox: helps to remove all the acid waste, toxins that have accumulated in the body
-- Nutritional supplements: must be wholefood or natural, 100% additive-free, non-toxic
-- Support system: family, friends, church, work, community)
-- Spirit/Faith, belief system
-- Regular doctor visits, exams
-- Wellness strategies, corrective actions: for other complications, ailments)

This is an oversimplification, but hopefully, you see my point -- there is more to controlling and reversing this disease than just eating right.

Another key point is that not everyone will be able to control and reverse their (Type 2) diabetes. It depends on several other factors including: length of time with diabetes, motivation/drive, knowledge, attitude, length of time taking drugs/medications, etc.

The following diagram provides an overview of my wellness program:

Death to Diabetes: Reverse Type 2 Diabetes

For more detail, go to

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