Friday 22 July 2005

Nutrition to Reverse Type 2 Diabetes: The 5 "Live", the 5 "Dead" Foods - Part 1

From a nutritional perspective, there are what I'm calling the 5 "live" (or super) foods and the 5 "dead" foods. "Live" food is in reference to foods that are better at keeping us "alive". "Dead" food is in reference to foods that lead us to disease and early death.

Note: Most of these foods are well known by those of you involved in nutrition, so there shouldn't be any surprises here. There are many books already written that identify these foods as healthy or unhealthy. All I did was "package" the information into two categories to make it easier for me (to eat properly) during my recovery. Hopefully, it will make it easier for you.

5 "dead" foods include:
Death to Diabetes: Reverse Type 2 Diabetes
Refined flour, processed foods, e.g. white rice, potatoes, bread, macaroni, pasta, most cereals, most wheat products, crackers, pancakes, pastries, biscuits, spaghetti, mashed potatoes, other processed foods made with flour; and, starchy vegetables such as potatoes and corn

Refined sugar foods, e.g. cookies, cakes, pies, some cereals, ketchup, soda, diet soda, most bottled juices, candy, jams, jellies, foods made with refined sugar, sucrose, corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup, maltose, dextrose, molasses, brown sugar, artificial sweeteners, and honey 

Saturated fats, e.g. cow's pasteurized milk, cow's cheese, most conventional animal meat
Trans fat/hydrogenated oil, e.g. processed foods, clear vegetable oils, fried foods, potato chips, store-bought baked goods, lunch meats, stick margarine, snack foods, most frozen dinners
Drugs, e.g. alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, OTC drugs, prescription drugs, recreational drugs
Key point:
The "dead" foods (especially the refined carbs and trans fats) either cause blood glucose levels to increase leading to weight gain or they inhibit the body from burning fat leading to more fat storage! They are the key drivers of nutritional deficiency at the cellular level, triggering inflammation, oxidation, toxicity, acidity, and hormonal imbalance.
Death to Diabetes: Reverse Type 2 Diabetes

The 5 "live" (super) foods include:Green, leafy vegetables, other bright-colored vegetables; some fruits (lemons, berries, but not tropical fruits, especially for most diabetics)

Pure or filtered water; water from raw juices (avoid tap water)

Monounsaturated/Omega-3 fats, e.g. extra virgin olive oil, wild salmon, sardines, tuna, other fatty fish

Lean protein, e.g. cold-water fish, beans, legumes, nuts, seeds

Some (organic) whole grains, e.g. quinoa, oat, barley (but, not wheat, especially for most diabetics); freshly-ground flaxseed
Key point:
The "live" foods trigger the body's natural internal healing mechanisms to prevent, fight or reverse disease. As a result, these foods when eaten as part of a "super meal" reduce and prevent inflammation, oxidation, toxicity, acidity, and hormonal imbalance.
Super Meal Recipes (Examples)

Super Breakfast
2 cups steamed spinach (or 1½ cups steamed broccoli)
Optional: Add one-half of an orange/yellow/red pepper (sliced) to steam with the vegetable.
3 oz. baked wild salmon (or 3 oz. sardines, or an Omega-3 organic egg)
1 ½ Tbsp. extra virgin olive oil (add on top of the vegetables after steaming)
Add organic spices, including raw/aged garlic, to season the vegetables/fish
24 oz. filtered water (or 16 oz. filtered water, 1 cup white tea)
1-2 cups raw vegetable juice (optional)
Optional: Add 1 scoop of super greens powder (e.g. wheat/barley grass) to a glass of water or raw juice.

Super Snack
An apple (or pear/other whole fruit)
A handful of walnuts/almonds
A glass of filtered water

Super Lunch
A small salad (with Romaine lettuce, baby spinach, sprouts, onion, celery, cucumber, tomato, tuna, boiled egg, olive oil, apple cider vinegar)
Or, a bean salad, bean soup, or turkey sandwich
A glass of filtered water

Super Dinner
1 cup steamed Brussel sprouts and 2 cups steamed broccoli
5 oz. baked skinless chicken breast (or 5 oz. wild salmon)
½ red pepper, mushrooms, spices
2 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil (add after steaming vegetables)
1 slice of sprouted grain bread (1½ tsp. extra virgin coconut oil)
24 oz. filtered water (or 24 oz. white tea)
1-2 cups raw vegetable juice
Optional Dinner: a raw salad that contains the aforementioned foods with Romaine lettuce, ground salba seed and organic salad dressing

Other Super Snacks
Kashi crackers, organic chips with peanut butter, almond butter, or cheese slices.
Whole fruit (blueberries, blackberries, apple, pear, banana, grapes), with a handful of nuts such as walnuts and/or almonds.
Popcorn (air-popped popcorn)
Small Salads: Romaine lettuce, tuna, boiled egg, olive oil, apple cider vinegar
Soup (Small Bowl): black bean, chickpeas, kidney bean, lima bean
Yogurt (low-fat plain) with wheat germ
Note: Always have a glass of filtered water before or after your meal.

Note: These super foods and super meals perform the same function as the drugs, but without the side effects!

The good news here is that if you embrace these super foods, you will be able to change your body's chemistry such that several months down the road, you will be able to enjoy your bread, pasta, ice cream, or potato chips -- without having the same adverse reaction to your blood sugar!

Of course, that doesn't mean you can go hog-wild, but, at least, you will be able to once again enjoy life and not be worried about eating the 'wrong' food.

More Super Meals
If you want more recipes of super meals, snacks, and even desserts, then, get the diabetes cookbook.

To learn more about how to prepare super meals and snacks, and desserts; and, how to transform your favorite meals into super meals, with one or two minor changes, get the "Favorite Foods" PDF.

For more detail, go to

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