When you think of weight loss and losing weight, the first things that probably come to your mind are either those "lose weight fast" infomercials or articles in magazines that never work or one of those weight loss pills that claim to be safe and allow you to "eat whatever you want and still lose weight”. If it sounds too good to be true, it is.
Weight loss simply requires you to burn more calories then you consume. But, if your body can’t burn the fat because it’s busy producing excess insulin, then, you can’t lose the weight! If you can fully understand that then you are on your way to losing weight.
The following are some of key weight loss tips extracted from the author's Death to Obesity: The Weight Loss Solution book.
Increase your knowledge about nutrition, exercise, weight loss, and obesity (Did you know that Obesity is a Disease?). Visit your local library, go to nutrition-related and medical-related websites, take classes, and talk to other people who have lost weight and kept it off.
Eat lots of green vegetables, sea vegetables, dark-colored fruits, grasses, plant protein, plant oils, cold-water fish, some organic whole grains, beans, nuts, and seeds.
Drink lots of raw vegetable juices, green smoothies, herbal tea, filtered water (no tap water!). Avoid soda, diet soda, bottled fruit juices, etc.
Note: Raw Juicing is one of the easiest and most effective ways to lose weight and get healthy. But, be careful not to juice with the wrong foods! Read our DTD web page and juicing blog about the power of raw juicing and green smoothies.
Eat 4-5 balanced plant-based meals/snacks each day to increase your metabolism and burn fat; and, drink at least 2 cups of raw vegetable juice each day.
Reduce/stop eating most of the processed foods, especially white flour, sugar, starches, animal meat, trans fats, and drugs that trigger the body to produce more fat.
Measure your weight and body composition (once a week at the most), using a body-fat composition scale instead of the traditional weight scale. Use a journal/logbook to record, track, analyze and make changes.
Exercise consistently 20 to 30 minutes four to six times a week, using two 10-15 minute interval bursts of higher intensity during aerobic and weight-resistance exercises. Increase your physical activities, i.e. mow the lawn, take the stairs instead of the elevator, plant a garden.
Perform a periodic cleansing/detoxification to remove the toxins and waste to enable the body to burn fat and increase weight loss.
Take a wholefood-based nutritional supplement to complement your nutritional program and accelerate the healing/weight loss process. If necessary, take a food-based fat-burning supplement or superfood.
Warning: Be wary of so-called weight loss "magic" pills and supplements! If they really worked, 62% of Americans would not be overweight or obese!
Obtain periodic physical exams, blood tests, hormone tests, etc. to evaluate your health. Communicate your health and weight loss goals and work with your doctor, dietitian, health coach and other healthcare professionals. Ensure your treatment is focused on repairing your body, getting healthy, and losing real weight, i.e. fat, not water and lean muscle tissue!
Be patient! Don't expect to lose all that weight in 7 days!

Key Point 1: When some people (especially women) lose that initial weight so easily it turns out that it's mostly water! That's one of the reasons why the weight comes back so quickly.
Key Point 2: When you starve yourself or go on some "crazy" fad diet because you have to look good for your friend's upcoming wedding, the good news is that you lose the weight because you force your body into a catabolic state (which burns lean muscle tissue). But, the next time you try to do this again, you find the weight doesn't come off as easily. This is because you had burned off some of your lean muscle tissue the previous time. And, with less lean muscle tissue, your metabolism slows down and your body burns less calories.
Tip: Measure your weight and body composition (once a week at the most), using a body-fat composition scale instead of the traditional weight scale. Compare your readings with the reading when the nurse weighs you during your doctor’s appointment.
Relieve the stress in your life by utilizing exercise, prayer, yoga, music or some other meditation technique to help you relax. In the meantime, avoid the dram queens and drama kings in your life. (Yeah, you know who they are).

Get at least 6-7 hours of quality sleep (with REM). Quality sleep helps your body repair itself while you're sleeping!
Note: If you wake up feeling tired instead of invigorated, you're not getting quality sleep. Sleep is under-rated, but, it is key to a healthy body and mind!
Use your inner spirit to fuel your attitude, will power and discipline to stick with your diet and lifestyle changes. Get rid of those negative feelings of envy, jealousy, pride, ignorance, etc. -- they hurt your health!
Note: Don't do a lot of crunches to try to lose the belly fat. Belly fat is the last fat that is burned by your body after losing the overall body fat.
Become a community volunteer, i.e. join a local support group to get information and share your problems with other overweight people. Your insight may help someone in the group and will motivate you to continue making progress.
Develop an overall proactive wellness plan. Address any excuses or barriers you may have before proceeding with your weight loss plan.
Believe it or not, losing weight is pretty easy for the most part. The hard part is keeping the weight off! You need a structured program with support mechanisms that change your thinking and your daily habits for the rest of your life.
Remember: Weight loss is not an event -- it's a process and a way of life.
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