Saturday 4 May 2013

Statin Drug-Cholesterol Hoax

We all know that heart disease is one of the leading killers of people  around the world, particularly highest in countries such as the U.S. and Australia.

Reverse Type 2 diabetes and heart disease
However, did you know that there are several medical studies worldwide that clearly show that higher cholesterol levels in the body actually increases longevity instead of decreasing it?

Yes, you heard that right! People with high cholesterol have been statistically shown to live longer and healthier than people with low cholesterol in several studies. There are multiple references for this phenomenon in Shane Ellison's controversial book, The Hidden Truth about Cholesterol Lowering Drugs,  Dr. Uffe Ravnskov's (MD, PhD) book The Cholesterol Myths, as well as Sally Fallon and Mary Enig's book, Nourishing Traditions.

So why in the world are the pharmaceutical and medical industry pushing for practically everyone on the planet to "lower their cholesterol"? Well, the first, and more innocent answer, is flawed medical studies from decades ago that have been accepted as fact and never fully analyzed for their validity.

Another answer is that this practice of recommending that half of the planet takes a cholesterol lowering medication (such as statin drugs), regardless of whether they truly have any real risk for heart disease, creates multi-billion dollar profits for the drug companies! Can you say ka-ching?

The drug companies and their TV ads have convinced you and your doctor into prescribing unnecessary prescription drugs to healthy young people with perfectly normal cholesterol levels that just happen to be over this arbitrary number of 200 that they've come up with.
Medical doctor

Note: Shortly, the medical industry will reduce this arbitrary number even lower to convince more people to take statin drugs. The medical industry is also targeting children, so parents beware!

As a result, more than 85 million Americans take statin drugs because they believe that statin drugs are good for them. Recent studies indicate that statins do more harm than just damage the liver, including muscle pain, muscle inflammation (myositis), heart muscle damage (rhabdomyolysis), heart disease, heart attacks, kidney damage, insulin desensitivity, diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer's, reduction of CoQ10 levels ... and, the list keeps growing ...

As time goes on and scientists continue to learn more about heart disease, it has become quite clear over the recent years that inflammation within the body (NOT cholesterol levels)is what causes plaque build up in the arteries and eventual heart disease. Inflammation can be caused by many personal factors such as stress, smoking, viruses, consumption of refined and/or hydrogenated fats, an imbalance of omega-6 polyunsaturated fats to omega-3 polyunsaturated fats in the diet, excess refined sugars in the diet, etc.

Lowering your cholesterol doesn't attack the root of the problem (what is actually causing the inflammation in you). Lowering your cholesterol does nothing except to make the drug companies rich, and possibly leave you with a whole assortment of possible negative side-effects such as liver damage.

So, why will most of you continue to take the dangerous and toxic statin drugs after reading this web page? Because you believe in your doctor!  And, the drug does actually lower your cholesterol. So from your viewpoint, the drug's working and you feel fine -- no side effects, right? Even if you're not going to stop taking the drugs, at least get your blood tested (for high homocysteine, CRP) and get liver tested!

And, keep in mind that since cholesterol-lowering statin drugs (such as Lipitor and Zocor) were introduced in the late 1980s, heart disease has risen approximately 2.4% every year, while statin drugs have become one of the top-selling drugs in the U.S. and around the world.

Please Note: Just because the drug does its job and you feel fine doesn't mean that everything is fine! If you go to the website for that medicine, you'll discover what your doctor may not be telling you about these drugs!

If you don't believe us, then, do your homework and visit reputable medical websites and clinical databases that support what we're trying to warn you about.

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