Tuesday 12 February 2013

Diabetes Scams

Author's Perspective: There are 2 major types of scams on the Internet that you need to be aware of -- financial/business-related scams and health/diabetes-related scams. Why? Because financial problems and health problems are the top 2 problems that we experience at some point in our life. This makes us susceptible to slick marketing schemes that convince us to send some money, hoping for the best. Unfortunately, in most cases, we end up losing our money. What's that old saying? "If it sound too good to be true, it probably is."

Author's Note: I realized that people would find it difficult to believe that I had a blood glucose of 1337 and weaned off insulin. So I've added a PDF copy of my personal medical file from my primary care physician.

Beware of Diabetes Scams
There are several diabetes programs, books, and ebooks on the Internet that promise to cure your diabetes in 30 days or less. Be careful! These programs are designed to take your money and run and hide; and, they provide no support or follow-up after you buy their program. 

Concerning curing your diabetes in 30 days or less, if you understand the science and pathology of diabetes, then, you realize that you can't cure diabetes in 30 days or less! It takes a minimum of 90 days to turn over your red blood cells, which have been glycated and damaged by the diabetes.

A lot of clients who bought one of those programs were very upset because the program didn't work, plus, no one responded to their questions once they paid their money for the book or ebook.

There are several diabetes scams out there that promise the world but they don't deliver. In addition, these books and websites won't put their program on their website and allow you to try it for free like Mr. McCulley does with his Death to Diabetes program. Why?? Because they know that diabetics would find out that their program doesn't work and they won't buy their book.

On the other hand, Mr. McCulley knows that his program will work, and that you will return to buy the book once you verify that the program works for you.

Given all the diabetes scams on the Internet, we understand why you may be wary of this program as well, especially if you've already been burned by one of these Internet programs.

But, do you know of any diabetes program where you can
try the program
for free without having to buy the book or ebook?

And, then, after you try the program for free,  watch the author speak at a medical conference about his recovery
and ask yourself this question: Does this sound like a man who's running a scam? 

Warning:Most of these "cure diabetes" programs on the Internet use the same formula. They show a picture of a doctor with a stethoscope around his neck, supporting this "miraculous" cure, based on so-called clinical research (that doesn't exist or is based on one small study). The website explains what diabetes is and how it's now an epidemic. Really? They also provide hundreds of fake testimonials supporting their claim.

But, they won't really explain their program in detail, and they keep pushing you to buy their book or other product.
Once they get your money, they "disappear" -- that is, you can't get them to return your phone calls or answer any of your emails or provide any emotional support. But, it's too late because they got what they wanted -- your money.

Oh, by the way, no other program is as visible and accessible on Facebook as the Death to Diabetes program. Do you know why? These other programs know that their program doesn't work so they don't want people complaining in a public forum about their product. But, Mr. McCulley is very confident in his program and doesn't mind being so visible and accessible to the public. 

Key Point:All of these programs provide a list of testimonials on their websites about the success of their program. But, how do you know if these people are real? It turns out that most of the testimonials are fake! On the other hand, Mr. McCulley's program has testimonials from real live people on Facebookthat you can actually interact with! Every day there are testimonials and feedback on Facebook from diabetics around the country having success with the Death to Diabetes program. So, you know that that the testimonials are authentic.

Food for Thought:  But, if you truly believe this is a scam, please follow the steps of the Death to Diabetes program and verify for yourself that Mr. McCulley's story is authentic and that his program will help you using  natural (non-drug) methodologies.

Or, call us and talk with the author to get your questions answered! 

Or, if you're into the science, read this page to understand the pathology of diabetes and the science behind this program.

More Food for Thought: Since you've been taking diabetic drugs, your health hasn't really improved. In fact, you're probably taking more drugs now. So, are you being scammed by the doctors and pharmaceutical companies?

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