Sunday 23 September 2012


Can we ever be stress free?
Not in this life.

I always thought that my body thrived on stress. As amazing as that sounds, I really thought that I was at my best when under pressure. I had no idea what I was doing to myself.

What does happen during stressful situations?

What happens is your body goes into the "flight or fight syndrome." Your liver produces more glucose for energy for your muscles. Your body produces cortisol which suppresses the immune system. Your blood pressure rises.  Adrenaline is secreted so your body is ready for action. A body full of adrenaline can do superhuman feats. 

You are now "in the stress zone."
Actually, you're in survival mode.

Cortisol is produced in the adrenal cortex in the adrenal gland.  In small amounts it can heighten memory functions, lower sensitivity to pain, help maintain your internal equilibrium and give you a burst of energy. However, at its height, stress hormones are released into the body in an unprecedented rate. 

When your body perceives that threat the nervous system responds by sending hormones into the body. You are on alert. Your muscles tighten, your heart beats faster, all your senses become sharper, your blood pressure rises and you breathe a little faster. It is your bodies was of protecting you. 

So what if we live life in the fast lane?

Chronic stress is different than the momentary flight or fight stress. Chronic stress changes the way the body functions because we don't flip the switch that turns the flood of hormones off in our body. The heart can become more susceptible to disease from the constant flow of cortisol. Brain function can be compromised and learning and memory can also be altered. The immune system is suppressed. 

If you don't switch it off your body doesn't have the opportunity to return to normal.

When the stress that you're under is greater than your body can tolerate you become more at risk for stress related disorders.

The body doesn't differentiate between physical and emotional stress. Stress is stress. When you keep yourself in stress mode it becomes harder and harder to shut off the switch. That stress I thought I thrived on? It's that Type A personality that prides itself in its ability to be super person. 

Stress morphs itself into that old familiar warm and fuzzy bathrobe. It feels good to put on because its just too hard to become laid back but the price you pay for that warm and fuzzy feeling is very high. Very high. Over-achieving and perfectionist is what it is. You don't sleep right, you don't eat right and you think you're cruising through life.....


Anxiety, depression, insomnia, heart problems, immune problems, autoimmune problems or worse. Make no mistake. Stress can kill. 

Put the effects of stress together with a central nervous system dysfunction that is found in Fibromyalgia and you have a recipe for disaster. We have to find a way to breathe through the stress. Do whatever it takes because we have to. Try yoga, aromatherapy, acupuncture, massage, biofeedback.....anything.....going outdoors and looking at the sky......whatever it takes to relax.

Thrive on stress? 


It just makes us worse for the wear.

And it just isn't worth it.

Thursday 20 September 2012

High Blood Pressure and Type 2 Diabetes

High blood pressure is usually one of the major health complications associated with people who have Type 2 diabetes. High blood pressure is also a problem for most people who are overweight and live a sedentary lifestyle.

Key Point: If you reverse your Type 2 diabetes, in most cases your blood pressure will return to normal!

High blood pressure, or hypertension, is also one of the first signs that the cardiovascular system is lacking key nutrients and is under serious stress and deterioration. This is due to the heart’s extra force required to push the blood through the arteries eventually causing damage to the inner lining of the arteries. This, in turn, causes inflammation and leaves the arteries susceptible to the buildup of fatty plaque that can narrow or block the arteries and reduce blood flow to the body’s organs. When untreated, high blood pressure can lead to kidney damage, heart failure, stroke, and loss of vision from damage to the retina.Heart muscle

Unfortunately, high blood pressure is a “silent” symptom that goes undetected for years. Consequently, high blood pressure is well-known as one of the major silent killer diseases.

Most people don't realize that they have high blood pressure until another problem arises that triggers the need for a physical exam, e.g. blurry vision, constant headaches, heart arrhythmia, kidney problems. The key organs that are involved with high blood pressure include the heart, kidneys, arteries, and the neural and hormonal systems. The combination of high blood pressure, obesity and diabetes is particularly stressful on the kidneys. 

High blood pressure is generally defined as a level exceeding 140/90 mm Hg on multiple occasions. The systolic blood pressure, which is the first number, represents the pressure in the arteries as the heart contracts and pumps blood throughout the circulatory system. The diastolic pressure, which is the second number, represents the pressure in the arteries as the heart relaxes after the contraction.

An elevation of the systolic or diastolic blood pressure increases the risk of Cardiovascular Systemdeveloping heart (cardiac) disease, kidney (renal) disease, hardening of the arteries (arteriosclerosis), glaucoma (eye damage), and stroke (brain damage). Usually a high systolic number indicates problems with the cardiovascular system and the liver, while a high diastolic number indicates problems with the kidneys and the liver.

These complications of high blood pressure are often referred to as end-organ damage because damage to these organs is the end result of chronic (long duration) high blood pressure. Accordingly, the diagnosis of high blood pressure in an individual is important so that efforts can be made to normalize the blood pressure and, thereby, prevent the complications.

For some people, high blood pressure may be defined at a level lower than 140/90 mm Hg. For example, in certain situations, such as in patients with long duration (chronic) kidney diseases that spill protein into the urine (proteinuria), the blood pressure is ideally kept at 125/75, or even lower. The purpose of reducing the blood pressure to this level in these patients is to slow the progression of kidney damage. Patients with diabetes may likewise benefit from blood pressure that is maintained at a level lower than 140/90. In addition, African-Americans, who have an increased risk for developing the complications of high blood pressure, may decrease this risk by reducing their diastolic blood pressure to 80 mm Hg or less.

Important: Not only can kidney disease cause high blood pressure, but high blood pressure can cause kidney disease. Therefore, all patients with high blood pressure should be evaluated for the presence of kidney disease so that they can be treated appropriately.

The diagnosis of high blood pressure is more than reading the numbers off the monitor. It may take several months of doctor visits, monitoring and testing, including an electrocardiogram to prevent a false reading. The diagnosis starts with measuring your blood pressure using a mercury manometer and a properly fitted arm cuff, with your elbow at the same level as your heart, not below it. There is usually a small difference between the left and right side.

Ideal systolic-diastolic pressure values are under 120/80. Values over 180/110 are a definite concern. If the difference between the systolic and diastolic pressure exceeds 60, advanced atherosclerosis may be present. Values greater than 140/90 are a concern if you have other risk factors such as being overweight. You may require further testing, which may involve wearing a small automatic measuring device and recorder for 24 hours.

To prevent a false diagnosis, have your blood pressure checked while sitting, standing and lying down – if readings skyrocket when you change position, this may indicate a problem with the adrenal glands. All this information is collected and analyzed by your doctor for a proper diagnosis.

Primary Root Causes
In order to understand the best ways to treat high blood pressure (without drugs), it is very important to understand the primary root causes which cause the heart muscle to work harder to push the blood throughout the body. They include: an increase in the volume of blood and fluids, e.g. fluid retention due to cell dehydration; a decrease in the diameter of the artery walls; a decrease in the elasticity of the arteries; an increase in blood viscosity (thick blood); a clogged liver; a clogging of the smaller capillaries in the kidneys; reduced nitric oxide; a constriction of the arteries due to an increase in cortisol levels; a defective heart muscle or heart valve; poor filtering of the blood by the kidneys; and an increase in hormonal levels (i.e. cortisol) due to stress.

When the heart tries to “push” thick, sticky blood through the blood vessels, it’s similar to forcing ketchup out of a bottle. You have to pound the bottom of the bottle to provide enough force to get the ketchup out of the bottle. This is analogous to the pounding that the heart has to perform to generate enough force to push the thick blood throughout the body.

And, this extra pounding can cause headaches and blurry vision while creating more pressure that causes injuries to the linings of the arterial walls. These wall injuries cause inflammatory and repair responses that lead to the production of various proteins and extra cholesterol to form plaque to repair the injured walls. The arterial walls become thickened (arteriosclerosis); and, if there is high homocysteine, this can lead to the formation of more plaque and blood clots (atherosclerosis).

As you can see, there are many causes of high blood pressure. In order to determine which ones are causing your high blood pressure, it is critical to have your doctor perform all the necessary blood tests and other diagnostic tests that may help to better diagnose the root cause(s) of your high blood pressure, including testing for inflammation markers such as homocysteine, C-reactive protein, lipoprotein(a), and fibrin.

When the circulatory system is working properly, it delivers water and blood throughout the body, providing nutrients to all the cells and tissues of the body. Specifically, the blood provides key nutrients to the millions of artery wall cells, which are responsible for the availability of “relaxing factors” that decrease vascular wall tension and keep the blood pressure in the normal range. These key nutrients include Omega-3 EFAs, CoQ10, water, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, magnesium, folate, and arginine.

But, when there is a chronic deficiency of these nutrients, blood viscosity can increase, the artery walls can become damaged leading to plaque formation, or the artery walls can spasm and become thickened, leading to an increase in blood pressure.  Over time, components of the circulatory system such as the blood vessels may become inflamed and damaged, leading to other health issues such as thick blood, blood clots, cold feet/hands, chronic fatigue, and erectile dysfunction. This puts additional stress on other components of the circulatory system such as the heart, which can lead to a sudden stroke or heart attack.

How to Treat High Blood Pressure Naturally
Consequently, a consistent exercise regimen, stress reduction, and a nutritional program that addresses specific nutrient deficiencies can be beneficial in preventing and reversing high blood pressure. Believe it or not, a lot of people, especially in the U.S., have high blood pressure because they either avoid "real" salt or they use the wrong kind of salt!

In general, for good heart health and lower blood pressure, avoid the processed foods, drink raw vegetable juices, and eat more green and bright-colored vegetables such as spinach, kale,  broccoli, and red peppers for the Vitamin C, chlorophyll, and other nutrients. Also, eat wild salmon, walnuts and flaxseed for the Omega-3 EFAs. Foods and nutrients such as filtered water, cayenne, celery, CoQ10, ginger, onions, and garlic nourish the cardiovascular system and help to lower your blood pressure. Refer to the wellness protocol section in Chapter 15  of the Death to Diabetes  book and the Power of Juicing ebook for more details about high blood pressure and heart health.

In addition, use spirituality, meditation, and avoid toxic relationships to reduce the stress in your life.

Refer to Chapter 13 (Body, Mind, & Spirit)  and the wellness protocol section in Chapter 15 of Death to Diabetes for more details. 

Drug Treatments for High Blood Pressure
High blood pressure is commonly treated with a drug such as a diuretic, an ACE inhibitor, or a beta blocker. Unfortunately, long term use of these drugs may cause more harm than good.

Some of the drugs listed below can affect certain functions of the body, resulting in dangerous side effects. In fact, some recent studies have shown that  the predominant side effect of these drugs is kidney damage.   And, the kidneys are needed to control our blood pressure! Another side effect is erectile dysfunction in men. In addition, other studies now show that some of these drugs (i.e. beta-blockers) actually weaken the heart muscle!

Diuretics. Some of these drugs may decrease your body's supply of a mineral called potassium. Symptoms such as weakness, leg cramps or being tired may result.

Eating foods containing potassium may help prevent significant potassium loss. You could prevent potassium loss by taking a liquid or tablet that has potassium along with the diuretic, if your doctor recommends it. Diuretics such as amiloride (Midamar), spironolactone (Aldactone) or triamterene (Dyrenium) are called "potassium sparing" agents. They don’t cause the body to lose potassium. They might be prescribed alone but are usually used with another diuretic. Some of these combinations are Aldactazide, Dyazide, Maxzide or Moduretic.

But, don't take a second drug to counteract the first drug! -- eat the right foods that will lower your blood pressure without the need for the drugs!

Some people suffer from attacks of gout after prolonged treatment with diuretics. This side effect isn't common and can be managed by other treatment. This is because of hyperurecemia caused by diuretics.

In people with diabetes, diuretic drugs may increase the blood sugar level. A change in drug, diet, insulin or oral antidiabetic dosage corrects this in most cases. Your doctor can change your treatment. Most of the time the degree of increase in blood sugar isn't much. Impotence may also occur in a small percentage of people.

Beta-blockers. Acebutolol (Sectral), atenolol (Tenormin), metoprolol (Lopressor, Mepressor, Merol), nadolol (Corgard), pindolol (Visken), propranolol (Inderal) or timolol (Blocadren) may cause insomnia, cold hands and feet, tiredness or depression, a slow heartbeat or symptoms of asthma. Impotence may occur. If you have diabetes and you’re taking insulin, have your responses to therapy monitored closely.

ACE inhibitors. These drugs, such as captopril (Capoten), enalapril (Vasotec), lisinopril (Zestril or Prinivil), may cause a skin rash; loss of taste; a chronic dry, hacking cough most common side effect; and in rare instances, kidney damage.

Angiotensin II receptor blockers. These drugs may cause occasional dizziness.

Calcium channel blockers. Diltiazem (Cardizem), nicardipine (Cardene), Nifedipine (Procardia) and verapamil (Calan or Isoptin) may cause palpitations, swollen ankles edema, constipation, headache or dizziness. Side effects with each of these drugs differ a great deal.

Heart Medications. After a heart attack, certain drugs are prescribed by your cardiologist. Drugs are grouped by type or classes. If you have had a heart attack or a procedure to open or bypass a clogged heart artery (coronary artery) you are probably taking at least 2 or 3 of these drugs.
  • Beta-blockers reduce the heart's workload by blocking the stimulating effects of the hormones epinephrine and norepinephrine. Beta-blockers lower blood pressure and protect the heart from developing dangerous heart rhythms. But, long-term use of these drugs can be dangerous.
  • ACE inhibitors block one of the body's chemical systems that raise blood pressure. to help at lowering blood pressure.
  • Aspirin helps to prevent blood clots from forming in the coronary arteries, but, may damage the inner lining of the stomach, leading to internal bleeding!
  • Anticoagulants lower the risk of blood clots in the veins of the legs and inside the chambers of the heart. Doctors prescribe anticoagulants for people who are at above-average risk for blood clots in the legs or heart.
  • Statins lower bad cholesterol (LDL), but, they do not prevent heart attacks and strokes as advertised! Over the past 20 years, the consumption of statin drugs has increased dramatically (75+ million users in the U.S.!), but heart attacks and strokes have increased over that same period of time! Read our web page about the infamous Statin Drug & Cholesterol Hoax.
  • Key Point!: If you're taking a statin drug, make sure that you take CoQ10 to protect your heart. But, make sure that the CoQ10 is not synthetic! 
  • Antibiotics help with some infections, but, some of the popular antibiotics such as the Z-Pak can cause more harm than good! In fact, death is a possibility! Be very careful and do your homework.
  • Warning: The Food and Drug Administration issued a health warning for a widely prescribed antibiotic, commonly known as 'Z-Pack' and says it could trigger potentially irregular heart rhythms in some patients. It's sold as Zithromax or Zmax, but most know it as 'Z-Pack.' It's the most widely prescribed antibiotic for bacterial infections such as bronchitis and pneumonia. However, the Food and Drug Administration warns that it could be deadly for some patients with heart problems.
Please Note: There are many foods and supplements that perform the same functions of these drugs without the dangerous side effects, i.e. arginine, broccoli, cayenne pepper, celery, garlic, ginger, green tea, onions, natto, Omega-3 EFAs, CoQ10. For more details about these foods and supplements, get the Death to Diabetes book/ebook or the How to Prevent a Heart Attack/Stroke ebook.


I've always found this suspect.
Now, I know why.

I do try to always be respectful of someones belief system. I may not agree with the doctrine but again, unless I'm asked my opinion, I'll stay out of the argument. Everyone has the right to their theology. Unless.....

Sometimes it just isn't right.

I've always disliked when people talk about God as the genie in the bottle. Just because we want something doesn't mean we are necessarily going to get it. Sometimes the answer is yes; sometimes the answer is no and sometimes the answer is, "no answer right now." I personally don't think that God has a magic wand that waves when we want something. Present your claim check and all will be better once again.

Especially when that claim check has to do with health care.

I heard that the mind can control the body. Don't I just wish that were the case! I've stated in previous posts about my stitches on the table event. I do think we can exercise some sort of control over an acute pain condition. Acute pain is usually short-lived and I think breathing and mind control can help ease the pain in some cases. Like I said, I've done it. 


When the pain is chronic it's a moment by moment issue. Also, I have one little issue with that whole theology. It doesn't work for all diseases. How on earth could you possibly sit in a room with people and say the mind can control the body and throw God into the mix. If that holds true then I should be able to use my mind to get rid of the Fibromyalgia. Or, God Forbid, someone has cancer then they should be able to get rid of the pain with that if they use their mind to control their body,

So what happens when it doesn't work? I guess that can be a real faith buster. You see, I read the Bible and sometimes God does his best work with a body that is infirmed. In fact, most of the great men and women of the Bible had some sort of physical problem. 

I just think it's dangerous to use the name it and claim it phrase.

When it doesn't work a persons faith can be damaged and that isn't good. When it doesn't work it can also make the other people around think that God doesn't work like he should. So what happens now? I just find it incredible that someone can spout that they can control their pain and get rid of the medication by faith and their mindset. By simple logic it also makes it sound like if you don't go along with it you're either faithless or mentally slow.

You can also turn someone away from God when the prayer isn't answered.

I shouldn't let this get to me......

but it does.

I guess I don't have enough faith......

To believe that one.

Highway to the danger zone.......

Tuesday 11 September 2012


Thirty things about ....
my invisible illness....
that you may not know.....

It's Invisible Illness Awareness Week and I read a very cool list about invisible illness on Judy Westerfield's blog, "CreativitytotheMax." It was amazing to read her answers because it was almost like she read my mind. I'm going to attempt to do the same thing. Now, I'm not going to look at the questions from her blog but let's see if I can do this without plagiarizing!! If they sound alike I'm going to apologize in advance to Judy and Max.

1. The Illness I live with is:  I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, Autoimmune Hashimoto's Thyroiditis and Chronic Fatigue. 

2. I was diagnosed with it in:  I was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue in 1988 after a nasty bout with mono that never went away and Fibromyalgia and Hashimoto's in 2008.

3. But I've had symptoms since:  I had mono in 1988 after my former husband and I went to Squaw Valley on a ski trip. I had no idea that is where it started. I was under control by 1994 and worked until 2008 when I had a nasty car accident and the pain "never went away."

4. The biggest adjustment that I've had to make:  I'd say the biggest adjustment that I've had to make is not working in new home sales. I really loved it and miss it. 

5. Most people assume:  Most people assume that I am an extrovert because of my career in sales. I think I fall into both extrovert and introvert groups. I do well with people but after a day of that I am done. I don't want to answer the phone or see people. I have a foot in both camps. 

6. The hardest thing about mornings is:  Let's face it. I've NEVER been a morning person. EVER. Having said that......ever since the Fibromyalgia hit I not only have to deal with not liking mornings but I also am like the tin man before the can of oil. Every bone in my body hurts and the stiffness in my muscles makes me a real peach. I need caffeine to get the cobwebs out.

7.  My favorite medical TV shows are: Well, I love Doctor Oz. Other than that I'm not big in the medical shows. I favor crime dramas like Criminal Minds and NCIS.

8. A gadget I couldn't live without is my:  Well, that has to be my iPad hands down. That little baby is easy to lift and carry around. I love it.

9. The hardest part about nights are: Muscle spasms. I want to take a baseball bat to my legs. It feels like winding up a spring real tight, letting it go and starting up all over again.

10. Each day I take ( ) pills:  I don't take many because I've found that they don't work for me. I tried Lyrica and gabapentin and gained so much weight that I quit them. It wasn't bad enough that I hurt all the time but when I looked in the mirror I decided that I'd take the pain rather than the weight. I take a lot of supplements though.

11. Regarding alternative treatments:  I haven't done many. I just figure that I'll take what I need to cope with the pain. Massage is always nice but, mostly, I can't stand to have someone rub my muscles like that. It hurts too much. I like essential oils for sleep but do they work? I don't know. I figure they can't hurt.

12. If I had to choose between an invisible or visible illness I would choose:  I wouldn't choose to have either one. If I have to choose I guess it depends on the illness.

13. Regarding work and career:   I had to leave it in 2009. I just couldn't take the rigor of new home sales. I miss doing something.......that's why blogging saved me. It gives me an avenue where I don't feel like as much of a slug.

14. People would be surprised to know: Would I surprise anyone? I don't think so. Most people I know would say, "I'm not surprised" to anything that I could come up with.

15. The hardest thing to accept about my new reality is:  The hardest thing to accept is that this is what it is. It's hard to wrap my head around the word "chronic." I've always believed that it would go away. It won't.

16. Something I never thought that I could do with my illness that I did was: I ran a 5k. Well, I kind of ran it but I finished it with my daughter. Despite the pain I still work out. I'd like to say that whoever said that exercise helps the pain is lying. It doesn't but I do it anyway. I'm still waiting for it to help. What it does is help me cope and makes my mind better.

17. The commercials about my illness:  The commercials really piss me off. Just take our little pill and your life will magically come back. Never mind that pesky little side effect like weight gain or suicidal thoughts.

18. Something I really miss doing since I was diagnosed is:  I miss working. I miss going at mach two with my hair on fire.

19. It was really hard to give up:  Working. Giving up that made me give up a lot of things. It sucks.

20. A new hobby that I've taken up since my diagnosis is: Nothing new. I didn't have that many before and I still do them. Cooking and photography. I can still do that.

21. If I could have one day of feeling normal I would: Probably be so grateful that I'd be still and enjoy it. Who am I kidding.....I'd want to run and shop and play till I dropped!

22. My illness has taught me: My illness has taught me to appreciate my body. It cannot be constantly assaulted and abused. I thought I thrived on stress. I was wrong.

23. Want to know a secret? One thing people say that gets under my skin is:   One thing?  How about  "Well, I get tired too." or "It can't hurt that bad," or "If you just get up and move around you'll feel better."

24. I love it when people: Don't treat me any differently than they did before but understand when I say I don't feel well enough to go out.

25. My favorite motto, quote or scripture that gets me through tough times is:  I always say, "it could be worse."

26. When someone is diagnosed I'd like to tell them:  You will get a lot of opinions about your health and how to feel better. Some will work, some won't. Listen to your own body and know that the advice is well-intentioned.

27. Something that has surprised me about living with this illness:  The one thing that has surprised me is how many doctors are flat out stupid and have zero to no compassion about pain and Fibromyalgia.

28. The nicest thing that someone did for me when I wasn't feeling well was:  They didn't question it they just shut out the lights and let me go back to sleep. Then when I could handle it made me get out of bed and get my fanny moving because they knew I needed that too.

29. I'm involved with Invisible Illness week because:  We not only deal with it on a daily basis but I know I help perpetuate it because when people ask how I feel I always say, "fine."

30. The fact that you read this makes me feel: Happy. Useful. Accomplished. Grateful.

Monday 10 September 2012


Chronic pain.
It makes you invisible.

Sometimes it isn't wise to be strong. Sometimes we shouldn't pretend that we feel "fine." Sometimes the smile shouldn't reach our eyes. Sometimes we should just let it all out.

I know it goes against everything that we used to be. Everything in us tells us that we need to mask the pain. We are better than that and it cannot win. We have too much to do to be sick.  We were movers and shakers. We were the typical Type A that plans all, thinks all, and believes that we can do all things and leap tall buildings in a single bound. 

We were Superwoman or men.

Limitations. This is a word that we don't like. Maybe because deep down we think we shouldn't have them. We actually feel bad that we have to describe a shopping cart full of symptoms to anyone, whether it be doctors, friends or family. Limitations should not be synonymous with weakness. I'll admit that I have trouble making that distinction. I forget that the words determination, perseverance and an incredible pain tolerance also come into view. 

I think I help perpetuate the viewpoint that this is an invisible illness. Because I consider some of my limitations as weakness, I have a problem letting people see the pain that I live with on a daily basis. I want people to see me the way I used to be. I know that's not right but I also hate appearing weak. When I do have a good day, I like to make the most of it. I break the cardinal rule of chronic illness all the time.

If you push you will pay.

I've always felt I could control my body. Well, not only my body. I love control. Whether it be my body or the environment around me....control is me. That is a huge part of my personality and that has been the hardest part to relinquish. I've had to realize that I can control my body about as much as I can control the weather. 

Speaking of...........I hate humidity.

But I digress. I hate the invisibility of this illness but I also wrap it around myself like a cloak. I'm not defined by this illness but the struggles of it all are tough. Just when I think I've moved into the stage of acceptance I find that I still struggle. I struggle with the fact that there will be days when the pain takes over. I struggle with the fact that technically I am disabled (whew, that was tough to write). I still struggle with the fact that my memory is not what it used to be (it isn't even close). I struggle with the muscle spasms that hit me mostly at night. I struggle with the feeling that I'm a slug.

Mostly, I struggle with being afraid of my own body.

Maybe it's time to take stock of those big girl panties.

Maybe it's not time to put them on.

Maybe it's time to take them off.

                                                           INVISIBLE ILLNESS WEEK

Saturday 8 September 2012


It takes a lot to say ow.
And I hate saying it.

Just the name Fibromyalgia is enough to make get on a soapbox. Having said that, having it is a WHOLE OTHER ballgame. Baggage takes on a whole other meaning because each of the symptoms brings a matched set of luggage along with it.

Everyone, I think, would agree with the fact that chronic pain tends to play with your head. I don't think you can experience pain like that on a daily basis and not want to retreat a tad. I don't care whether it's Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, MS, Rheumatoid Arthritis, migraines or any other chronic pain illness. You just can't escape them without some sort of scar. 

I think you can come through them.....people do every day. I just think that after something chronic hits your body you become someone that is constantly "on alert." You know every nook and cranny.....every subtle nuance that your body signals; how can you not? I know that I can feel it. With me, it's a subtle twinge in my hands. I can unconsciously start to rub them and, when I catch myself doing it, I know the pain will start radiating to different parts of my body and then.......well, I get slammed.

I've almost become embarrassed to say the word Fibromyalgia. People look at you like it's the garbage can diagnosis that some doctors have made it out to be. If they can't tell what's wrong with you....well must be Fibromyalgia. It may very well be just that......but it's the look that goes along with it that gets to you.

It's the look of disdain or the just plain patronizing that gets to me. It's the almost pitying look that says, "well.....if you believe it....."  I get really sick of doctors pulling that. Now, I just really don't like going to doctors. I wish I could find one that knows me. 

They'd know that I am not enjoying the symptoms. 
They'd know that I'm not exaggerating them either. 

I don't say I'm in pain to try medications. I don't say that my muscles can start twitching so much that I'd like to take a baseball bat to my legs to get pain medication or muscle relaxers. When I say that I live my life on the very minimum of 5 on the pain scale everyday, I think they should believe me and not think that I'm depressed. 

Because I'm not.

I'm tired of doctors looking at me like I'm exaggerating. I am reasonable and can articulate what is going on very simply and logically. Why that needs to be questioned is beyond me. I wish doctors wouldn't feel threatened by a multi-disciplinary approach to treatment. I use a multi-disciplinary approach every single day. Why shouldn't they? I dislike getting thrown a couple of medications (that I don't want or need) and ushered out of the office.

I guess you can tell that I'm going to a doctor.

Well, I'm ending with a doctor and starting another one.

It's not looking good.

The first available appointment is November 21.


Just dandy...........

Monday 3 September 2012


You can tell a great deal about a person by their eyes.
Can you really tell when they're sick?

The study of iridology is interesting. Can you really tell how someone is feeling by their eyes? Is the story of our genetic makeup told in our eyes? Alternative medicine finds it a viable form of medicine, however, the medical community has totally dismissed it as foolishness. 

So what is it?

Simply, it is that the colors and patterns of the iris of the eye can give information about your health. The charts tell what organs are healthy and which are inflamed or in distress. There are four different sub-types of personalities that have different challenges.

Neurogenic: The neurogenic type has a resilient nature. Neurogenics are hard workers with a natural drive. They need to learn how to relax. The central and autonomic nervous system can give them trouble. Yoga and Tai Chi is helpful. They should avoid stimulants like sugar, caffeine, coffee and junk food. They should keep the volume down and avoid excessive noise.

Connective Tissue: As the name implies, this subset has connective tissue issues and is prone to sprains, hernias and problems with the joints and ligaments. Yoga and Tai Chi is helpful. Connective Tissue personalities should avoid sugar, caffeine, coffee and other junk food. 

Poly glandular: The polyglandular type has problems with an imbalanced glandular system. The thyroid, parathyroid, gall bladder and other digestive problems can hound these personalities. Yoga and Tai Chi is helpful for these people. These people should avoid processed or refined foods. 

Anxiety Tetanic: This is the typical Type A personality. These personalities are prone to creating stress for themselves. They need to learn how to relax. They are prone to neuro-muscular disorders, TMJ and spinal trouble. They should avoid stimulants like coffee, sugar, processed and refined foods. Yoga and Tai Chi may be helpful.

Obviously, this isn't an in-depth look at iridology. It's just a quick overview of the different personality types and some of the challenges they face. From the little that I read, I don't have a lot of desire to investigate more. It doesn't make sense that every type should avoid processed and refined foods and stimulants and that every type is helped by Tai Chi and Yoga. 

I know that we would all try anything to cure what ails us. We would investigate every avenue. I just don't think this is the path that will lead us to health.

The size of my pupil can tell the health of my autonomic nervous system?

So, when you look into my pupils you can see my spine?

When I think about this I think of the snake in Disney's Jungle Book......

Trust in me.........