Thursday 21 June 2012


Just when you think you have a lot of pain.
You find out that it isn't as bad as you think.

I went to a support group meeting. I have to say honestly that I wasn't in the mood. I've been hurting so much and have been so tired that I just wanted to curl up in my chair and stare off into space.

There is a reason for everything.

Someone was there that was in so much pain and so overwhelmed that it was just too much to deal with for even another day. I have to admit that I've been there. I also have to say that in that moment the thought of bringing that kind of pain to my daughter made that thought go away. Prior to dealing with constant pain I thought that kind of thinking was terribly weak. It was something that I couldn't even fathom.

Enter the world of chronic pain.

Pain plays with your head. There comes a point when you need a break from the pain otherwise it will break you. The pain is stealthy. It slowly morphs into depression and the depression is a danger in itself. It wants to isolate you and tell you that this is all that you need. Pains evil touch makes us doubt our faith and our strength and fighting it is the only option that we have. No matter how we fight we need to realize that it is a fight that we will have our entire lives or until, magically, a cure is found.

Depression from chronic pain is just a wolf in sheep's clothing. We must stay vigilant and aware that the pain is causing our mindset. Depression will tell us that this fight isn't worth it. It will try to beckon our soul over to his side where he promises that the darkness will soothe our soul and give us a break from the pain. 

We must always remember that he lies.

Admitting depression doesn't mean that we're weak.

It just means that we've stayed strong for far too long.

It takes a strength of will to climb out of the dark into the light.

And one more thing.......

We are not alone in this fight.

We have each other.

Sunday 17 June 2012


It has been 38 years.
Some days it seems like yesterday.

No question about it. I was a daddy's girl and proud of it. I still remember the day I found out that he was sick. I remember sitting by the window in Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital nestled in his shoulder crying my eyes out. There was nothing that he could say or do that would make this any better. He had always been able to fix anything for me.

But he couldn't fix this.

It was one of life's defining moments for me when he died. The loss of my dad had such a huge impact on me. I didn't think anything or anyone could take his place in my heart. He pushed me because he knew that I needed to be pushed. He was tough and he was fair. Justice was a big part of his personality and he passed that on to me. He made me focus because he knew that I could sometimes be scattered. He was proud of me no matter what.

He sang "there she is, Miss America" when I walked in the room.

I've tried to pass those kind of memories on to my daughter. There is something special about that kind of relationship and he would have absolutely adored her. I don't have a lot of regrets about life but I do regret that he couldn't have known her. If he spoiled me that is only a small speck compared to what he would have done with her. She would have been the apple of his eye.

So, another Father's Day without him has come and with it a little piece of my heart still breaks. 

But, I am so thankful that I had a father that I could hold dear to my heart. 

I have wonderful memories that are such a part of me and that now make me smile.

Happy Father's Day Daddy.

Miss you?

Doesn't even come close...............

Saturday 16 June 2012


110 degrees.
Under the eaves.
In the shade.

I've never liked the heat and I like it even less now. You'd think that after 48 years in Las Vegas that I would get used to the desert heat.

Not for a minute.

I didn't mind it as much when I was in the pool on a raft but with the onset of age and some common sense, I stopped baking in the sun. Then, when I was working, I spent a great deal of the day in the sales office. I only ventured outside when I couldn't talk anyone into not looking at their home site in the middle of the day. 

Since the thyroid regulates temperature is it still a by-product of the autoimmune issues I have with it? I take enough thyroid medication to keep it in the "normal" range but maybe it isn't enough. All I know is that the heat makes me feel awful.  At least I will be getting some of that natural Vitamin D. Did you catch the sarcasm of that last statement?

We're going to have excessive heat this week. I wasn't kidding about the 110 degrees. The official heat is measured at our airport under the eave in the shade. Really. In all actuality it will probably be 117 in the lower parts of the valley. This kind of heat is smothering. The temperature in the car can easily get to 140. You don't mess around with those kind of temperatures.

You have to plan any errands in the "cooler" part of the day. That means before 10 in the morning and after 7 at night. Even then I take a cooler with me to the store because a quick trip can mean frozen food can start to thaw. Sunglasses are a must if you have light sensitivity (which I do). 

So I'm hibernating this week and praying that the heat will break, otherwise, it's going to be a doozy of a summer. That doesn't take into account the amount of money I'll be donating to Nevada Power.

Gee, I can't wait.

So here I am wishing I was in Antarctica.


it's a dry heat.

Wednesday 13 June 2012

The "Triple-Killer" Dead Foods that Fuel Diabetes and Other Diseases

Website Reference:

Triple-Killers = Early DeathAuthor's Perspective:
As many of you are aware now, I refer to most harmful foods and beverages as "The 5 Dead Foods. I started using this term during my lectures when I first started speaking because the term "dead" got everybody's attention. I turns out that these "dead" foods are lacking in any nutritional value and lead us to the graveyard, years ahead of our time.Dead Foods Lead Us to the Graveyard

But, there are some "dead" foods that are even more harmful to your health that the traditional "dead" foods. In fact, these special "dead" foods are devastating on several levels, i.e. physically, emotionally, financially, systemically, hormonally, biochemically, etc.

I affectionately refer to these special "dead" foods as "The Triple-Killers".

I refer to these "dead" foods as Triple-Killer Foods because they contain a minimum of 3 harmful chemicals that fuel most of the top killer diseases including diabetes, heart disease, cancer, arthritis, osteoporosis, kidney failure, obesity, etc.  As a result, these foods can kill you in at least 3 different ways and accelerate your journey to the graveyard as well as the poor house. In addition, these foods will prevent you from reversing your diabetes.

KFC and McDonald's are the top 2 fast food restaurant chains in  the United States, India, China, and other countries. Is it a coincidence that diabetes is now running rampant in all of those countries?Cyanide!

Most of us love KFC and McDonald's because the food is cheap, easily accessible, and it taste so good. But, let me ask you: "Would you eat a hamburger of strychnine because it taste good? How about a bucket of cyanide, or a bag of hemlock fries?

Of course not! We know that strychnine, cyanide, and hemlock will kill us immediately. But, the KFC chicken or McDonald's burger won't kill us ... well, at least, not right away -- it'll take a good 30-40 years.

The top triple-killer foods include the cereal, cheeseburger, fried chicken, French fries, frozen dinners, mac 'n cheese, pancakes, pizza, pot pies, ribs, and subs.

Note: If you have a food that you believe belongs on this list, just contact us and we'll review it for inclusion.

Cereal/OatmealCereal: A Triple-Killer!

Growing up, I loved cereal in the morning, especially Cheerios and Rice Krispies! Today's TV commercials give us the impression that Cheerios will help to lower our cholesterol (but it doesn't!). And, after I got out of the hospital, I noticed that when I ate Cheerios or any other cereal, my blood sugar would rise 200-300 points!

But, at that time, I thought that cereal only contained one major harmful chemical -- the sugar. But, it turned out that the primary ingredient in cereal -- refined grain -- actually fuels Type 2 diabetes!

So that makes two harmful chemicals in the cereal. Where is the third chemical? I could make a case for the "enriched" vitamins and minerals that are added to the cereal, but there's a more harmful chemical than the "fake vitamins". It turns out that most people add cow's milkto their cereal, and cow's milk is problematic at best. In addition, some people add fruit such as a banana to their cereal. Unfortunately, a banana is one of the worst fruits for Type 2 diabetics (until they get their blood sugar under control).

Now I know you're shocked about oatmeal being on this list! Oatmeal is a healthy breakfast for most people, but, if you're diabetic, a grain-based food such as oatmeal only fuels your diabetes! And, if you add cow's milk and sugar (or fruit) to the oatmeal, then, you turn it into a triple-killer dead food.

However, the good news is that you can  easily transform this triple-killer into a healthier food by using almond milk; and, you can transform the cereal into a healthier food by using an organic whole-grain fiber-rich cereal that doesn't have any sugar.


I wasn't much of a hamburger person, but McDonald's and Burger King are well-known for their burgers. Hamburgers are the Number 1 sandwich eaten in the United States.

Cheeseburgers make the triple-killer list because they contain refined flour, cancer-causing growth hormones and antibiotics from the beef, and the mucous-forming cow's cheese. And, don't forget all the artery-clogging saturated fat from the beef and cheese!

And, if you add the bacon -- why don't you just shoot the fat directly into your arteries? Can you say heart attack?Have it your way. A heart attack is one bite away.Have it your way: A heart attack is only a bite away.

Burger King has a saying "Have it your way." Have what your way? Have diabetes your way? Have high blood pressure your way? What exactly is it that you're supposed to have your way?

Wendy's has a saying "You know when it's real." You know when what is real? A heart attack? You know when the heart attack is real??

OK -- so you can specify how you want them to make your hamburger and what condiments to add to your burger. Does that make you feel better while you're having a heart attack?

Fried Chicken

There's nothing like a bucket of KFC or Popeye's fried chicken! It's cheap, available on every corner, and taste better than crack (well, that's what I've been told). Fried chicken will make you fat and diabetic quicker than most other foods.

I used to love KFC -- I could eat a whole bucket by myself! -- until I found out it was killing me! Can you say diabetes and heart disease? Smile

KFC and Popeye''s make the triple-killer list because they contain refined flour, cancer-causing nitrites from the sausages and pepperoni, and the mucous-forming cow's cheese.

Warning! KFC knows that we are aware that fried chicken is bad for us. So, they created a new product called grilled chicken. Now, come on! Are we that stupid?? Well, KFC thinks so!

KFC announced that their grilled chicken meal is a healthy choice. The ads ask you to “Unthink what you thought about KFC.” If you fall for this clever slogan, the only thing you’ll be unthinking is your health!

According to a lawsuit filed by a doctor's group in California, KFC's grilled chicken contains a chemical (called PhIP) that can increase a person’s risk of developing cancer even if consumed in small amounts.

Oh, by the way, do you know which part of the chicken is the most toxic and the most harmful to your health? It contains the most fat, the most skin with the least amount of real meat, and the most concentrated levels of antibiotics, growth hormones, toxins, and feces. It's the chicken wing! And, not just KFC's chicken wings! All chicken wings! And, if you barbecue the wings and add the sauce -- can you say heart attack?

Note: If you're still not convinced about the dangers of KFC (and other similar fast-food chicken places), read more about what's in the chicken at the bottom of this web page.

Please Note! There are other fried chicken and grilled chicken products on the market that are not as toxic as KFC or Popeye's. But, most of them, if not all of them, take their lead from KFC, and produce similar products with similar toxic ingredients.

For example, the Chick-fil-A® Chargrilled Chicken Sandwich appears to be a healthier alternative to KFC and Popeye's. But, this sandwich still contains many of the same toxic ingredients! Those ingredients include: sugar, soybean oil, palm kernel oil, artificial butter flavor, modified food starch, salt, dextrose, potassium phosphate, maltodextrin, autolyzed yeast extract, disodium inosinate, disodium guanylate; enriched wheat flour, sugar cane syrup, wheat gluten, sodium stearoyl lactylate, calcium stearoyl lactylate, monoglycerides and/or diglycerides, honey, molasses, monocalcium phosphate, ammonium sulfate, calcium propionate [to retard spoilage], calcium chloride, alum, sodium benzoate and potassium sorbate [preservatives], polysorbate 80, yellow 5, blue 1.

French Fries

French fries such as McDonald's fries really taste good! They must be lined with crack or something! Surprised

French fries are a triple-killer because they're starchy white potatoes that behaves like sugar; contains trans fats; and, contains acrylamide, a carcinogen that is formed when certain refined foods are cooked above 250 degrees Fahrenheit.I'm lovin' it. I'm lovin' my diabetes.

McDonald's has a commercial with the saying "I'm lovn' it." What exactly are you supposed to be lovin'? Being fat? Being diabetic? Going broke spending your money on toxic food? Giving diabetes to your child?

Frozen Dinners

I liked frozen dinners because they were easy to prepare. This was great for me since back in those days I didn't really know how to cook, and didn't really care much for cooking.

Frozen dinners make the triple-killer list because they usually contain some  kind of starch such as potatoes or pasta; MSG; some kind of animal meat-like product, full of harmful saturated fats; refined salt; and partially-hydrogenated oil (trans fats).

Mac 'n Cheese

Man! I really loved macaroni and cheese -- my Number 1 comfort food! I could eat a big bowl of mac 'n cheese and that would be my dinner.

Mac 'n cheese makes the triple-killer list because it's mostly refined pasta; and, contains cancer-causing growth hormones and antibiotics from the mucous-forming cow's cheese. And, if you throw in a hamburger, can you say stroke?


I loved pancakes, especially the ones served at Perkin's and the House of Pancakes!

Pancakes make the triple-killer list because they contains refined flour and  lots of sugar and syrup. Where is the third chemical? Well ... you may think this is a stretch, but most people usually add butter on top of their pancakes, plus a couple eggs and/or home fries or bacon or sausage.

So pancakes are a "gateway" food that leads to other harmful foods. Now, if you're not diabetic and if you avoid the sausage and bacon, and if you eat pancakes made with flax flour, then, you may be okay.

PizzaPizza! A Triple-Killer!

I loved pizza, because it was a quick meal in a box, plus Pizza Hut and several other pizza places were within 2 miles of my home. Plus, pizza was very popular at work.

Pizza makes the triple-killer list because it contains refined flour, cancer-causing nitrites from the sausages and pepperoni, and the mucous-forming cow's cheese. And, don't forget all the excess sodium and the artery-clogging fat from the pork sausage, pepperoni and cheese!

Of course, you can eat a healthier (vegetarian) pizza with whole wheat flour, lots of veggies, little or no cheese, and no meat.

Pot Pies

Pot pies were okay because they were so easy to fix. Pot pies make the triple-killer list because they contains refined flour, excess sodium, and  hidden sugar. They also contain a poor grade of chicken or beef, which contains harmful growth hormones, antibiotics, and saturated fat.


I loved ribs! -- still do! Nothing like some baby-back ribs! Smile

Ribs make the triple-killer list because they contain lots of sugar and syrup, cancer-causing growth hormones and antibiotics from the pork (or beef) and the carcinogens created when the meat is grilled improperly. And, don't forget all the artery-clogging saturated fat from the meat.


Smoothies are usually made with healthy ingredients like almond milk, fresh or frozen fruit, ground flaxseed, and yogurt. However, many fast food places such as Burger King, Dairy Queen and McDonald's are selling smoothies, tricking you into believing that they're giving you something that is healthy!

But, these "smoothies" contain high-fat and/or high-sugar items like ice cream, peanut butter, sweetened syrups, or chocolate with fake fruit! What you end up with is a drink that has upwards of 800 calories, enough saturated fat to rival a double cheeseburger, and carbohydrate grams in the triple digits -- and that’s just for the small size!
Consider: A 20-ounce serving of Smoothie King’s The Hulk-Strawberry has more calories than a Burger King Double Cheeseburger with a medium order of French fries (it totals 990 calories, 52 grams total fat, 19 grams saturated fat). Dairy Queen’s Tropical Blizzard (with 1,122 calories, 62 grams fat, and 25 grams saturated fat) has more total fat and saturated fat than the same fast-food meal.
If you’re looking for a healthy smoothie, your best bet is usually to keep it simple and make it yourself by following the recipes in a reputable book such as the Power of Juicing & Smoothies, written by the author of the top-selling book, Death to Diabetes.

Soda, Diet Soda

I liked orange sodas and sometimes Coke, but I preferred mostly bottled fruit juices such as Mott's apple juice when I was growing up. I didn't realize that both the soda and the juice were bad for me!

Sodas contain many harmful chemicals, including: high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), phosphorus, artificial sweeteners, and sodium benzoate.

HFCS is a loosely bound, unstable sugar which forms compounds known to damage cells and tissue and is linked to diabetes. HFCS puts extreme stress on the pancreas and may increase risk for pancreatic cancer.

Phosphorus, in excess amounts, begins to corrode stomach lining, eats away at the liver, upsets the natural pH balance of the kidneys and causes acidity in the body which leads to numerous health conditions and diseases, including osteoporosis kidney stones, colon cancer and high blood pressure.

Artificial sweeteners such as saccharin (a petroleum derivative), Apartame (NutraSweet, Equal and Canderel) and Splenda have become popular for weight management, because the public has been duped to believe that saccharin is effective for weight loss and that the benefits outweigh the potential risks. Thirty years of study show the carcinogenic effects of saccharin in the bladder, female reproductive organs and the brain (tumors) with as little as one to two bottles of diet soda daily. 

Sodium benzoate is used in many brands of soda pop as a preservative. Although it is not considered to be harmful it causes hyperactivity in children. The main concern with sodium benzoate is when it combines with citric or ascorbic acid (vitamin C) to form benzene. Benzene is a known carcinogen which increases the risk of leukemia and other cancers.

Soda pop consumption is linked to many diseases which include obesity, cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis, heart disease and kidney stones. Every time a soda pop is purchased, the soda pop industry is being empowered to continue selling health destroying beverages. The good news is that there are healthy alternatives that taste even better.

Next time you get a craving for soda pop, grab some fresh, unsweetened fresh fruit juice and add some soda water and you will wonder why you ever settled for artificial flavors and sweeteners when you could have had the real thing. When mixed half and half with soda water you can drink an 8 ounce glass with approximately 80 calories, give or take a little depending upon the juice.

Submarine Sandwiches

I wasn't much of a sub guy, but Subway and Quiznos are well-known for their submarine sandwiches.

Submarine sandwiches (subs for short) make the triple-killer list because they contain refined flour, cancer-causing growth hormones, antibiotics and nitrites from the ham, salami or other lunch meat, and the mucous-forming cow's cheese. And, similar to the cheeseburger, don't forget all the artery-clogging saturated fat from the animal meat and the cheese.


I didn't care for tacos -- too messy -- the meat was always falling out! Taco Bell made the taco a popular alternative to the hamburger.

Tacos make the triple-killer list because they contain refined flour, cancer-causing growth hormones and antibiotics from the beef, and the mucous-forming cow's cheese -- just like the hamburger. And, of course, tacos also have the artery-clogging saturated fat from the beef and cheese.

Other Drinks and Beverages

Some beverages and drinks come close to making the list, but they can still be pretty harmful to your health (especially if you're already fat or diabetic), i.e. bottled fruit juice, coffee, cow's milk, milkshake.


Technically a drug is not a food, but it is something that we put in our mouth -- from OTC medication pills to prescription medications from our doctor.

Drugs Cause More Diseases than Cure Diseases!

Yes, some drugs are life-savers, but, for the most part, drugs cause more harm than good.

The primary reason why we believe in these drugs is because they're being given to us by a medical doctor, who's supposed to be helping us improve our health.

Unfortunately, most of us are unaware of the law suits and health warnings from the FDA and other agencies for many of the drugs we take!

Even when a drug like Avandia is taken off the market, we fail to question whether the drug we're taking will have any harmful effects on us.

But, since we feel fine and don't feel any adverse effects from taking the drug, we gladly pop the pills into our mouth -- from sunrise to sunset. In addition, because of our laziness and refusal to change our eating habits, we're happy to take a pill that we believe will cover up our bad eating habits and our poor lifestyle.

More Information About Kentucky Fried Chicken

Kentucky Fried Chicken has a new product called grilled chicken. so how many of you have bought the grilled chicken because you think it's healthier? Now, I find it hard to believe that people are really that stupid, but, KFC (like the pharmaceutical companies) do think that we're that stupid.We Do Chicken Right. Really?

KFC has a commercial where they say: "We do chicken right." Really? Really? Have you seen what a KFC chicken looks like??? Take a look at the picture below -- that's what you're putting in your mouth! That's what you're feeding your children! Some kind of mutant, deformed chicken that's full of antibiotics, growth hormones, and feces! Are you kidding me?

So, while you're trying to rationalize how to justify eating your KFC, here's some additional information that should give you pause.

Ingredients in KFC:
Maltodextrin, Bleached Wheat Flour, Partially Hydrogenated Soybean and Cottonseed Oil, Sodium Phosphate, Monosodium Glutamate (MSG),  Salt, Monosodium Glutamate, Spice, Palm Oil, Natural Flavor, Garlic Powder, Soy Sauce (Soybean, Wheat, Salt), Chicken Fat, Chicken Broth, Autolyzed Yeast Extract, Extractives of Turmeric, Dehydrated Carrot, Onion Powder, and Not More Than 2% Each of Calcium Silicate and Silicon Dioxide Added As Anticaking Agents.

Maltodextrin: The very first ingredient, which means it’s also the most abundant ingredient, is sugar! Among the many problems associated with sugar, it suppresses your immune system, promotes imbalance of intestinal flora, causes blood sugar fluctuation which can lead to diabetes, promotes weight gain, can cause neurotransmitter imbalance that leads to depression, and can even lead to addiction.

Salt: While sea salt is an essential part of good health, the refined table salt that KFC uses contains unhealthy additives, is stripped of it’s magnesium and trace minerals, and is bleached to hide the discoloration caused by the processing. Refined table salt is associated with heavy metal toxicity, Alzheimer’s disease, high blood pressure, and kidney problems.

Bleached Wheat Flour: Flour is a highly refined source of carbohydrates that causes many of the same problems as sugar.  In addition, bleached flour contains alloxan, which is known to destroy pancreatic beta cells! Can you diabetes?

Partially Hydrogenated Soybean and Cottonseed Oil: Partially hydrogenated oil (PHO) is a trans fat that clogs your arteries and damages your nerve cells! And, soy contains substances such as phytic acid and enzyme inhibitors that interfere with mineral absorption and protein digestion. It also contains phytoestrogens which mimic estrogen in the human body. In addition, a frightening amount of soy is genetically engineered and is typically sprayed with more chemicals than most other crops.

Monosodium Glutamate (MSG): This unnatural flavor enhancer is a neurotoxin that kills brain cells by overstimulating them. It’s commonly regarded as one of the most dangerous food additives in existence and is associated with Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and learning disabilities. Even the FDA acknowledges a long list of symptoms that it can cause shortly after consuming it.

Autolyzed yeast: also contains MSG.

Chicken Fat and Beef Fat: Because chemical toxins are often diverted from vital organs and stored in body fat, especially in factory farmed animals, the chicken and beef fat used by KFC is likely to be highly toxic. Deformed Kentucky Fried Chicken

The Chicken: KFC has been under fire for quite some time because of the factory farming used to produce their chicken. Undercover investigators, including investigators from PETA, have reported horrendous conditions at these farms. According to their observations, the animals were packed in warehouses with very little room to move, were completely deprived of sunlight, and were so weak and deformed that they could barely function well enough to eat and drink. There were even cases of the farm employees torturing the animals for no other purpose than their own twisted enjoyment.

Without a doubt, factory farming is bad news. If the animal cruelty isn’t enough to turn your stomach, then the poor quality of the meat should be. These animals are fed the cheapest feed available which is likely to contain toxic grain that has failed inspection for human consumption and can also contain fillers such as sawdust, newspaper, and cardboard.

They’re also typically fed antibiotics on a regular basis to compensate for the unhealthy conditions they’re forced to live in and are given hormones to accelerate their growth. Whenever you eat food that’s derived from an animal, you’re also eating what the animal ate, and this includes the pesticides, antibiotics, hormones, sawdust, newspaper and cardboard that they were fed.

Ingredients in the KFC Grilled Chicken
The KFC grilled chicken is just as bad as the fried chicken! The following is a list of the ingredients in the grilled chicken:
Fresh Chicken Marinated With Salt, Sodium Phosphate, and Monosodium Glutamate. Seasoned With: Maltodextrin, Salt, Bleached Wheat Flour, Partially Hydrogenated Soybean and Cottonseed Oil, Monosodium Glutamate, Spice, Palm Oil, Natural Flavor, Garlic Powder, Soy Sauce (Soybean, Wheat, Salt), Chicken Fat, Chicken Broth, Autolyzed Yeast Extract, Extractives of Turmeric, Dehydrated Carrot, Onion Powder, and Not More Than 2% Each of Calcium Silicate and Silicon Dioxide Added As Anticaking Agents.

Tuesday 5 June 2012


Now, I've heard it all.
So to speak.
I love a good play on words.

I cannot believe what I just read. I'm going to include the link because I think everyone with Fibromyalgia should read what we're up against. Talk about making us believe that if we just talk out our problems it will make the pain all go away. Are we back to the medical community believing that this is all in our heads?? 

And it all comes down to a phone call.

I am absolutely amazed. I mean, I'm all for positive thoughts. Well, maybe I'm not. I've been told that I'm not an overly cheerful person so I'm just not the type to be optimistic and cheery. That's just not my personality. I'm of the persuasion that if it can go wrong, it will and at the worst possible moment. I'm not the one to talk about the power of positive thinking. I take that back....

I'm positive that it won't work.

If I follow that logic than I, by a mere phone call by my new BFF, can cure or at least manage the symptoms of any disease. Pain can be diminished by a mere uplifting and happy conversation by a cognitive behavioral therapist. I know some therapists and they also have chronic pain. They don't believe this for a moment. We'd all love it if it worked. We would be on the phone constantly and have our old life back. 

Oh, lest I forget, exercise is to be combined with this therapy. The one thing they can't figure out is how to manage the other symptoms that accompany Fibromyalgia. Also, it's not available and the cost is more expensive than they'd like. 


People have seen me curled up in pain. They've seen me normal, or as normal as I can be, and  they've seen the ugly. I'd like to take a survey and see what they'd say about this therapy. I don't think I could write some of the comments due to the language that would be used. I have and would spend my last dime if I thought it would help. What I can't understand is why this is the first treatment of choice. Maybe for mild pain but for moderate to severe pain?

Studies just love link Fibromyalgia to something. If it's not depression, than it's to Vitamin D deficiency or aspartame or mercury levels or stress or weight gain or, or, or, or, OR....... geez, it gets tiring of reading what researchers are trying to link Fibromyalgia next. It's still purported to be cured by nutritional supplements and while I think it does help our fabulous machine called the body, I don't know if it "cures" anything. I just get weird about things like that. If that's the case then it's just one step away from it being "our fault." I just don't think it's that simple. Fibromyalgia can be linked to anything but what happens in our central nervous system that flips the switch? Why not study that?

Research has come a long way and it has seemed to reclassify Fibromyalgia as a central nervous system disorder. I just can't figure out why we are still shipped off to rheumatologists rather than neurologists. I understand its because the symptoms manifest themselves as muscular pain but I still think a team doctor situation would be the best. One day, just maybe, there will be something that will work for us. It's just still tough when the medical community looks at you like you're nuts. 

The final insult, in my estimation, was that a researcher implied that the phone call might be tough because people with Fibromyalgia might not stick to it. That call is going to make me "aware" of how my thoughts and attitudes affect how I feel. Really? I'd like to tell them how I feel.

So, I guess, now I wait for the phone call.

We're the winner of the Fibromyalgia lotto.

One call, that's all and you're out of pain.

OK....maybe that's absurd.

Well, so is the premise.

Here is the link: Talk Therapy