Wednesday 5 October 2011

Myths About Diabetes

There are many myths about diabetes. Some of the myths were started through ignorance, others by doctors, dietitians and diabetes educators, others by a single flawed study, and still more exist because of a resistance to change by diabetics.
In some cases the very people that claim to be helping diabetics are lying to them!
Although it is very important to learn everything you can about diabetes, it may be just as important to unlearn a lot of things you believe to be true about diabetes, drugs, and nutrition.
Author's Perspective: "When I was diabetic, I was confused by a lot of the misinformation about diabetes. Fortunately, because of my science background, it made it easier for me to separate fact from fiction. The one  important thing to remember about most of these myths is that they are designed to keep you afraid, uncertain, diabetic and/or dependent on  drugs and uninformed doctors and other so-called "experts".  I learned very quickly that the only person who had a vested interest in my long-term non-drug health was me! -- so, I had to become my own expert.
Here are some of the many myths and misunderstandings about diabetes, drugs, nutrition and other related topics.
Myth: Diabetes is just a little sugar problem – it’s not that serious.
Truth: Diabetes is a disease that affects trillions of cells in the body and, gradually, leads to complications such as heart attack, stroke, amputation, kidney failure, and blindness. So, diabetes is serious . . .  very serious.
Myth: Eating sweets and your genetics cause diabetes.
Truth: Eating sweets does not cause diabetes – they make you fat, which can lead to diabetes. Although your genetics can play a partial role in diabetes, the eating and cooking habits that are passed down from one generation to the next are more significant contributors, when combined with a sedentary lifestyle. Look at your genetics as being the “loaded gun” and your eating habits/lifestyle as “pulling the trigger”. As long as you don’t pull the trigger, the loaded gun can’t harm you! Your body may have a genetic predisposition to acquire diabetes, but, if you make better decisions than your ancestors about food, exercise, and lifestyle, then it is not a forgone conclusion that you will become diabetic.
Myth: Only fat people become diabetic.
Truth: Actually, there are thin people who become diabetic -- in fact, almost 19% of diabetics are not fat. Diabetes is a biochemical/hormonal disease, not a disease from being overweight.
Myth: There is no cure for diabetes – once a diabetic, always a diabetic.
Truth: The treatment protocol for Type 2 diabetes is drug therapy, which is designed to suppress the symptoms of the disease and not address the root causes of the disease. And, therefore, the disease cannot be cured. However, there is sufficient clinical evidence that shows lifestyle changes (such as nutrition, exercise, testing, and spiritual health) can prevent and control Type 2 diabetes. And, once the diabetes is under control, further lifestyle changes may reverse the effects of the disease – if the treatment focuses on repairing the trillions of defective cells.
Myth: Once your doctor puts you on insulin, you're on insulin for the rest of your life.
Truth: Not true! That's what the author was told!
Myth: You can eat whatever you want -- as long as you adjust your drug dosage.
Truth: Unfortunately, that's what a lot of Type 1 children and their parents are told. This leads to the "insulin-addiction trap". Anyone with common sense knows that you can't eat whatever you want without suffering some consequences.

Myth: Diabetes is not as serious if you are taking pills instead of insulin.
Truth: Diabetes should be taken as seriously regardless of whether you are taking pills or injections. Unfortunately, because we live in a drug-tolerant society that sees pills as “normal”, we don’t really believe our health is in any danger if we are taking pills. Either way, the diabetes will still progress and lead to other health complications. In fact, pills lull diabetics into a comfort zone and a false sense of wellness that eventually fails them.
Author’s Note: A co-worker thought that he was safe taking a pill, but today is on insulin because the disease continued to progress.
Myth: You can control your diabetes by avoiding the carbs.
Truth: You may be able to temporarily lower your blood glucose level, but you can’t avoid a major macronutrient such as carbohydrates and expect to get healthy. Besides, not all carbohydrates are bad – it’s the refined carbohydrates such as white bread, pasta, and cereals that are the problem. However, good carbohydrates, such as broccoli and Brussel sprouts, actually provide some of the missing saccharides, which help to repair the cells and reduce the insulin resistance.
Note: Recent research indicates that cells have a thin carbohydrate (“sugar”) coating (glycocalyx) of glycoproteins and glycolipids that support cellular communications and the immune and endocrine systems.
Myth: It costs more to eat healthy foods.
Truth: It does cost more to eat healthy foods – in the short term. Fresh vegetables and fruits cost more than a box of macaroni and cheese. Sprouted-grain bread cost more than wheat bread. Organic brown rice cost more than white rice. However, as your health improves, you will save money with over-the-counter drugs, prescription drugs, doctor visits, physical exams, hospital stays, and the quantity of groceries.
Myth: Most people (including diabetics) do not like taking drugs.
Truth: Surprisingly, most people prefer to take drugs – in lieu of making changes to their lifestyle, nutrition, or exercise regimen. Most people will deny that they like taking drugs, but the facts show that more than 65% of the people in the United States take prescription and/or over-the-counter drugs; and, more than 60% take multiple drugs. This is due to our intolerance to personal pain and suffering – why suffer if there’s a drug that will eliminate the pain? Also, there is the belief that the drugs are “working” because they do what they are advertised to do, e.g. reduce pain, lower blood pressure, lower blood glucose, lower cholesterol. It will require a major paradigm shift in our thinking to move away from drugs as the solution to our health problems.

Myth: Once you have diabetes there is nothing you can do. You must listen to the doctor and take any medication he prescribes to lower your blood sugar.
Truth: Diabetes is the easiest disease to reverse. With diet, exercise and nutritional supplements you can reverse type 2 diabetes.

Myth: Type 2 diabetes is genetic. If others in your family have type 2 diabetes chances are that you will get it.
Truth: That is nonsense. If you keep eating the way they do, you will most likely get type 2 diabetes and so will the majority of people who eat the same way. If you follow the recommendation of Dr. Bernstein to modify your diet or  if you follow the recommendation of Engineer DeWayne McCulley (author of "Death to Diabetes) to eat a plant-based diet and exercise on a regular basis, you will not have high blood sugar.

Myth:  My doctor says that people who advocate the use of vitamins are quacks.
Truth: People who use (the right kind of) wholefood vitamins are healthier and more aware of how their body is functioning. 

Myth:  My doctor says it's ridiculous to think that (Type 2) diabetes can be reversed.
Truth: People who use (the right kind of) wholefood vitamins in combination with a superior nutritional program are healthier and more aware of how their body is functioning.
Doctors in this country are not trained in preventive medicine therefore they do not believe in it. They are trained to cut, remove and medicate. Your doctor is jealous because he is not getting a kickback from the drug companies for the prescriptions he would be writing for you. Instead you will be too healthy to require his services in the future.

Myth:  If you're a Type 1 diabetic, diet changes won't help.
Truth: Most Type 1s will have to take insulin, but they can dramatically reduce the amount of insulin with a superior nutritional program.

Myth:  People who say diabetes can be reversed are just trying to sell you their book or someone else's book.
Truth: Yeah, that one may be true! Smile That's one of the reasons why the author of Death to Diabetes explains his program on his website -- so that you can verify the program for yourself without having to buy the book!.

To summarize, those are just some of the dispelled myths about diabetes and how to reverse its progression. You must remember that natural remedies take time. If you don't have the patience and determination you will lose and the diabetes will win. 

Most people will complain that the "natural" way did not work for them. But they don't or won't make a complete diet and lifestyle reversal. Instead they will pick and choose what they like about the program, justify their cheating and then complain that it did not work for them overnight.

Sidebar: In addition to these myths, there are a lot of so-called healthy foods that have been marketed as such -- but, they're not healthy at all! Take a look at this web page -- you may be surprised ...

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