Monday 9 May 2011


I feel the need,
the need for rest!!!!!!!
Top Gun...
Which movie am I in???

I have to tell you, basically, I'm a slug. The problem with your body when you have Fibromyalgia is that a lot of movement tends to make you feel like roadkill. Trust me, after this last weekend I'm definitely in roadkill mode. To top it all off, Saturday was hotter than holy hell and today I'm dealing with thunderstorms. 

Great, just add a tiara!

I do have to say one thing that makes it all go away.

My kids got married this weekend. I have to say it's an unreal feeling as a parent. We talk about milestones in our lives but, this one, was absolutely amazing! I really thought I was ready, I really did. 


I walked into the hotel and saw her and just lost it. I've never seen her more calm and more beautiful. She had a focus and a purpose and it was simple. All she wanted to do was walk down that aisle and marry the man of her dreams. The wedding was simple, elegant and intimate. 

No one came up to me and mentioned the flowers or the centerpieces. The comments were how much they loved the looks on their faces. You could absolutely see them smiling from ear to ear and they were having the time of their lives. 

Just as it should be.

By the way, they love Top Gun and he's her Superman!! That's how the title of this post came about. I just thought I should mention it before you think I'm a crazy woman! So after the wedding I am trashed. I'm staying in bed and unwinding. I'm trying to process my feelings. You know, they've been together for awhile and the two of them seem so right and natural but, somehow, the ceremony changes things. It's really an unbelievable feeling.

I've got a new son and a married daughter.

Now, I'm smiling from ear to ear.

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