Monday 11 April 2011


I feel like I'm losing my marbles.
Have you ever just had enough?
I am exhausted.

I live in a master planned community and over the weekend they had the semi-annual community garage sale. Now, I'm not able to physically handle putting things out on the table and pricing every little thing. It comes down to  sorting, pricing and displaying all the crap that I don't want anymore.

That doesn't appeal to me at all.

However,  I brought a few things out and put it on a desk that I had in my garage. The weather was cold and windy so it actually worked out to my benefit. I decided to get rid of the numerous vases, glassware and books that have been cluttering up the house. 

I had a ton of people and actually made eighty dollars.

What I didn't bargain for was the fact that one of them was casing the joint. What is it with people? The economy is so bad that people believe that your home is a supermarket and they can come in and basically go shopping. It is unbelievable to me that people have the mindset that this behavior is an appropriate way of life.

I called my daughter and son-in-law and we spent the evening having dinner and enhancing the security around my home.

So now I'm absolutely physically and emotionally exhausted. All I had to do was walk in and see my house and the pain went crazy. I can't tell you how much I hurt right now. The stress of all this just sent the pain levels crazy. I also spent most of the night wide awake. I didn't stay awake out of fear but I was awake because my mind just wouldn't shut off. With everything else in my life going on right now, I needed this like I needed a hole in my head. 

The police, however,  did have a wonderful suggestion.

He said get a "Beware of Dog"  sign and put it on the fence.

Anyone who has seen Mr. H will be in hysterics. My little toothless wonder.........

I've always said "for two cookies you could have the house."

Apparently that's true.

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