Wednesday 29 December 2010


I've never been big on the rah-rah stuff.
I'm still not.
I just want to be out standing in my field.

I've always disliked going to motivational speakers. When I was selling homes it never failed; about once a year they'd have some yay-hoo come in to pitch about attitude and then sell the tickets to his "show." I'd be the one in the back with my arms crossed listening to the crap they'd spill and waiting for the subject of money to come up.

It always did.

I do believe that attitude can help or hinder just about everything in your life. It can push us beyond "the can't." I understand that. Having said that, however, I do not believe that attitude can cure Fibromyalgia. I believe it can definitely help with the management but I don't believe it can cure. Wouldn't it be nice if it does? We could sprinkle fairy dust and, voila! Now it seems that we are bombarded by Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue motivational speakers. If we just improve our attitude then our symptoms will go away. 

It makes us sound like we are the masters of our own demise.

I just read an article called  Mindfulness Therapy No Help in Fibromyalgia Trial. It seems that the use of yoga and mindfulness therapy doesn't help the pain. 

Ya think?

Where do they get these people? How did they round up 177 people? We can't find anyone to agree on anything concerning Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia let alone how to manage it. What I find reprehensible is that they still make reference to depression and how people with Fibromyalgia aren't in touch with their own emotions or how to manage those emotions.

That really pisses me off. 
See how in touch I am with my emotions? 

There are many people with Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia that can pinpoint the onset of their symptoms to major physical or emotional trauma or an episode with an illness. It seems that we've been dismissed because it couldn't possibly have started in this way.

HOWEVER........for just 29.95..................

If we change our diet we can be cured! JUST buy the book. There are tons of nutritional supplements out there and if we'd just take them we'd be cured. Everyone has the answer but somewhere they always manage to place the fault of Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia squarely on our shoulders. Somehow we have trouble with our emotions, depression, vitamin deficiencies, marital problems, childhood issues, abuse problems, diet problems and a myriad of other issues that we can't control. 

What is it going to take to get proper research? Just take the information released about the XMRV retrovirus. It seems that everyone wants to disparage the little research that has been done. Why are Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue such a hotbed of controversy? With the numbers of people being affected increasing, why can't we get research and funding?

If someone really famous had this disease and watched their career go down the toilet, I bet then something would be done.

The people that have had their lives decimated by these illnesses are becoming increasingly vocal. We don't want to live this way. We don't want to watch our lives go by and live it on the sidelines. We don't want to be dependent on anyone else. We would love to have our life and careers back. 

I think no one in our society is allowed to be tired or sick. It's weak. We're supposed to just suck it up and multi-task our little stressful lives to the fullest. We're supposed to be tough and push through pain and fatigue. It's not too much to ask is it? Life is supposed to be lived at Mach two with our hair on fire.  If we can't do that we're a burden and a weak sister. 

That's what we are.


Just cut us from the herd.

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