Monday 1 February 2010


The Road to Nowhere

There's times I still get angry.

Mostly at myself.

I know that pain brings introspection. I mean, you really need to focus on something other than the pain. However that very same introspection; when you really turn that light around on yourself, makes you realize how stupid you really were.

The Narcissist

There are deal breakers in this life and there should be. Why we don't listen to that still, small voice when we first hear it is beyond me. The good thing is that eventually I listened.

It's all about me.

The narcissist destroys what is precious to you.  They actually make it impossible to love them. The problem is that the person on the other end of the relationship hates to fail. She believes she can fix the problem.


It's the sign of everything that is wrong in the relationship. I like to call them red flags.  The warning to stay out of the water. It's a sign of danger and peril. I do like to think that whoever gets involved with them will forever be walking on eggshells because it is, "all about them." 

He cannot reach into the depths of emotion because he lives in the shallow end of the pool.

The only thing I can say is watch them when they start to detach. They always do. They cannot change their habits, they can only cover them up for a little while. Never open up about your feelings hoping that you'll receive something of substance in return.  I'll never forget all the times that I would open my heart hoping beyond hope for the response of my dreams only to hear "you're one of a kind."  

The lines stay the same and the pitch never changes. You are not different than any of the others. When you find the man that states everyone else in his life neglected him and never understood him, question that statement. 

I'll bet there is someone out there that will be willing to enlighten you on the subject.

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