Thursday 14 January 2010


People should know that we aren't faking it. 

This isn't a disease that an aspirin and a nap will fix.

So in the interest of those with Fibromyalgia and/or Chronic Fatigue, I offer these suggestions.

Please do not say:

1. You don't look sick.
No, I don't look sick. If I looked like I felt I'd scare dogs and little children but thanks for telling me that I should look sick if I want to be taken seriously.

2. You should exercise more - you'd feel better.
I guess it would be o.k. if I fell asleep on the treadmill. I especially like it the next day when I can't move any part of my body due to the pain of the glorious exercise I did the day before.

3. Everybody gets tired.
Yes, everyone does get tired. Again, thanks for reminding me that you and a lot of the medical community thinks we're crazy. Just for a point of information when we rest, we don't wake up refreshed.

4. You just need to have a better attitude.
Gee, I thought I did have a good attitude. If my attitude reflected the pain it might kill you.

5. It can't be that bad.
In the same vein no, it can't be that bad. I'll just take a baseball bat and beat the crap out of you and see how you feel the next day. Live like that for years and then tell me it can't be that bad.

6. I wish I had time to take a nap too.
Yep, I'm just a whining little princess who naps and eats bon-bon's all day and pretends to be sick.

7. If you'd just get out more.
I love being locked in my ivory tower. I definitely should get out more. That makes me feel SO much better now.

8. You're just depressed.
Well, what tipped you off to that one? If you live with chronic pain and fatigue don't you think you might get a tad depressed?

9. Oh come on, just get tough.
If you only knew how tough we really are to function and deal with this illness.

and my favorite...................

10. It's all in your head.
People have had enough of the medical community making us think we're crazy. We have to go from doctor to doctor until someone believes us when we say we're sick. We've put up with so many people thinking we're either whiners or neurotics  please don't add insult to injury.

Thanks for listening.

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