Thursday 24 December 2009


It's Christmas Eve. 

What an evening it's been too. For the last two weeks I've watched my almost son-in-law stress out about asking my daughter to marry him. He's been adorable. He got down on one knee and asked her in front of the whole family. She, of course, cried through the whole speech. It was an unbelievable feeling watching her surprise and the tears of joy that streamed down her face. They are a wonderful couple and they'll have a great marriage.

It's also the one year anniversary of Mr. C's mothers death. He's doing well but it's been a rough year for him. I remember losing my parents and there are still days where the hurt of the loss is still there. I think the first year is the hardest and then it get's better from then on. 

Because the world of real estate still stinks I had to get creative with presents this year. I researched essential oils and I made bath salts for everyone. They turned out great and I actually had requests for more. 

Now to how I feel. Like crap. How's that for an answer? It's been cool out and the humidity was up. My hands and legs still have most of my pain and it hasn't stopped. The endocrinologist thought the pain might be from the thyroid but I've been on medication around 30+ days and I don't feel any different.  So it's back to the same thing; curled up with my heating pad, not sleeping and putting up with pain.

Merry Christmas to me and joy to the world.

For now, I think I just want a silent night.

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