Wednesday 17 September 2008

Natural Cure to Stop, Beat & Reverse Type 2 Diabetes?

So is this Death to Diabetes wellness program a natural cure for Type 2 diabetes?

Does the Death to Diabetes book provide hope?

If this is not a cure, is it a better choice than taking the drugs and facing amputation, blindness, kidney dialysis, a heart attack or a stroke?

Why was Mr. McCulley encouraged to take more insulin even when the data showed he should be cutting back?

Medical Science Perspective
According to medical science, there is no cure because Type 2 diabetes is a progressive, chronic disease that can only be treated (with medications).

Well, medical science is correct! If you treat the symptoms of a disease, you can never cure the disease. Why? Because you're only treating the symptoms and not the actual root causes of the disease.

Furthermore, if you treat the disease with high-powered drugs (which bring along their own damaging side effects), then the drugs may actually help to fuel the disease. Why? Because these drugs put a tremendous strain on your liver and kidneys. Just go to any pharmaceutical website and read the side effects of any diabetic or heart-related drug -- they all either affect the liver, the kidneys, or the gastrointestinal system.

So, if your liver and kidneys are busy fighting off the side efects of the drugs, how can your body get well? It can't! Why? Because the liver and kidneys are the two primary organs that filter your blood and remove the toxins from the air, water, and food we consume. Without this filtering, we would die very quickly.

So, from this pespective of medical science, they are 100% correct -- you can't cure Type 2 diabetes.

Engineering Science Perspective
Now, in engineering, we take a slightly different view of "disease" in machines -- we focus on what's actually causing the machine failure, and we use various engineering methodologies to analyze and determine the root causes.

Also, from an engineering perspective, we frame "the problem" a little differently than medical science. Why? Because we realize that the first critical step in solving a problem is to carefully define the problem. If you do not define the problem, you cannot solve the problem -- end of story.

So, from an engineering perspective, the problem is "a human body is defective, it's broken, it has a disease called "Type 2 diabetes".

To further understand the scope of this problem, we take a look at the following:

Pathogenesis (at the cellular level)
Critical Blood Test Parameters
Analysis of Studies
Meta analysis (across studies)

We also take a look at several engineering methodologies and tools:

Failure Modes & Effects Analysis (FMEA)
Failure Modes, Effects and Critical Analysis (FAMECA)
Diagnostics Engineering Analysis (DEA)
Sequential Events Flow Charting/Analysis (SEFCA)
Root Cause Analysis (RCA)
Solution Selection Analysis & Optimization (SSA&O)
Reverse Engineering (RE)
Statistical Engineering Analysis (SEA)
Current State/Desired State Gap Analysis (GA)
Mathematical Modeling & Computational Methods
System State Diagrams (SSD)
Biomedical Engineering
Stress Test Analysis (STA)

From an engineering perspective, we "see" the disease a little differently. Instead of characterizing Type 2 diabetes as a "blood sugar" disease, we see it as a disease of cellular damage -- defective cells. So, from our viewpoint, the question is very simple: "Can the cellular damage be repaired? Can the defective cells be fixed?"

Because we love detail, we took a deeper look at the cellular damage, and discovered (from all the excellent medical research and clinical studies) that a specific portion of the cells were damaged -- namely, the insulin cell receptors that recognize insulin and allow glucose to be pulled into the cells from the bloodstream.

Because these receptors are damaged, the cells can't pull in glucose from the bloodstream. So, how do we repair these receptors?

Well, since cells are made up of water, protein, fat, and saccharides, what if we provided these cells better raw materials? What if we provided these damaged cells the best proteins? the best fats? the best water? the best saccharides? Would that help? Well, it couldn't hurt!

We also took a look at the blood, and discovered that most if not all Type 2 diabetics are deficient in several key nutrients, e.g. Omega-3s, magnesium, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, CoQ10, water, amino acids, etc. In other words, the cells are suffering from a nutritional starvation.

There are thousands of studies that demonstrate the healing powers of food such as vegetables, greens, fish, legumes and plant oils, and filtered water. Interestingly, a diabetic's body is fighting inflammation, oxidative stress, and toxicity. Drugs actually cause more inflammation, oxidative stress, and toxicity, so it's clear why most diabetics can't improve their health. The good news is that certain whole foods such as broccoli, red peppers, garlic, onion and extra virgin olive oil actually fight and prevent inflammation, oxidative stress, and toxicity!

So ... if you provide the diabetic's body with these missing nutrients, is it possible that he/she can get well?

It depends upon how many years the diabetic's body has been breaking down and rotting from the inside and the overall health state of the diabetic's body. More important is the attitude of the diabetic -- if the diabetic is willing to make changes, he/she has a fighting chance.

So, how do you know the diabetic's health is improving?

From an engineering perspective, we look at a comprehensive set of data, not just blood glucose levels. We believe that the diabetic's body must improve in several critical areas, including fasting blood glucose, post-meal blood glucose, stress-test blood glucose, insulin level, blood pressure, hemoglobin A1C, weight/waist line, body composition, lipid profile (blood cholesterol), energy level, and emotional stability.

As you can see, our definition of a possible "cure" is very comprehensive. Even if medical science doesn't accept this definition, would you accept it? If your health improved in most of these areas, would you conclude that, at least, you are healthier? And, if your blood glucose levels are stable, even after you eat a piece of pizza or have a bowl of ice cream, if that isn't "cured", I don't know what is!

Note: However, because of my background as a test engineer, I believe that in order to "validate" my wellness program, I need a third-party company to perform a series of double-blind placebo-controlled tests. Any takers?

For more detail, go to